Redesign User Dashboard

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Sim 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 33

    how do I redesign the user dashboard? I don’t think I can do it with a theme or page builder. Does the GD dashbaord have built in controls or can I just use CSS?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Sim,

    Thanks for your reply. Have you checked our userswp plugin and see if it’s what you’re looking for?


    Free User
    Post count: 33

    Dear Kor,
    Wow, this is great to know! But i don’t think I can redesign the GD user dashboard with that.
    I wanted to create a more aesthetically appealing user dashboard than the one currently on GD. So all the functionality would be the same, but I thought it would be better, for eg. to have a dark colored side panel, a more prominent message board, and maybe even a stat graph, like the attached screenshot. Just something with more color and energy.

    I dont think I can accomplish that with UsersWp, right?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    UsersWP will be getting some updates this year allowing for making a layout of the User profile similar to GDV2.


    Free User
    Post count: 33

    Thank you, Alex!

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