V2 listing image not uploading

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    Free User
    Post count: 6

    Hi. I am trying to add an image to a listing.
    Unfortunately, when it states “Drop Files Here or Select Files” I am not able to upload an image. I try to attach an image but nothing actually uploads. I even dropped an image in there, but the image never attaches to the listing and its a small file.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi laocat21,

    Thanks for your post. Are you getting any errors? If you’re not sure, kindly share your Website WP admin access here in private reply and I’ll check on it.



    Free User
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    Post count: 16516
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    Free User
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Laocat21,

    tat looks like a jquery error and most likely a conflict with another plugin.

    Please try to disable all non GeoDirectory plugin momentarily to see if the problem goes away. If it does, reactivate one by one till you find the culprit.

    If it doesn’t please try to change theme for a second to test if that is causing the conflict.

    Let us know.



    Free User
    Post count: 7

    I have same issue. Uploading or dropping images is not working. It loads the uploading, but after completing it, instead of saving nothing happens.
    Folders are correctly created, but files are not stored.
    I already disabled all plugins, created a new Upload folder…
    Any clue?

    Thank you!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 11

    Hi, I have exactly the same issue – upgraded from V1 to V2 ( yesterday. Image upload indicators show but no images appear in listing or filesystem.

    Images are small (< 400kb) – uploads worked fine with V1


    Expired Member
    Post count: 11

    turns out it was wordfence blocking uploads, is this a known conflict?


    Post count: 7069

    Hello laocat21,

    I have done some debugging and found following error during upload.

    cURL 56: Failure when receiving data from the peer

    Please contact your hosting support and ask them about this error.

    I found your site running PHP version 5.3.28. It is too older, you should have atleast v5.6.

    Let us know.



    Post count: 7069

    @maextro & @bhilton223

    Please open your own topic and send details there, so we can check what happening there.



    Free User
    Post count: 6

    Hi there
    I updated the php version to 7.0.33.
    I have also updated the geodirectory to Version
    I then found that when I clicked on either a geo listing or my standard pages to edit, in the admin area, I got a totally blank page. I found by turning off all plugins and turning them on one by that the Ninja Forms Version 3.4.4 is conflicting with geo-plugin, which causes the blank pages (this is a problem as the geo listigs rely on Ninja forms for contacting listing!).

    However going back to the original problem of Image not uploading in listings. I deactivated all plug-ins, except geo, and changed to a built in theme and the upload still does not work.

    Regarding the error message ‘cURL 56: Failure when receiving data from the peer’ I will contact my hosting supplier.

    Thanks Jan


    Post count: 7069

    Hello laocat21,

    In recent release we have already fixed issue with Ninja Forms.
    Please try after clearing your browser cache.

    Let us know when you get reply from your hosting on “cURL 56: Failure when receiving data from the peer”



    Free User
    Post count: 6
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    You should change server in that case, shared servers are not reccomended. You should upgrade minimum to a VPS.

    Thank you

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