This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Robert Davenport 6 years ago.

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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    1) Allow posting without logging in? is an option in GeoDirectory > Settings > Show Advanced.

    2) In UsersWP the account page is used to edit the account while the profile page shows you your listings and actions.



    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609


    1) We want everyone to first register before posting a listing. This does several things…it cuts down on spam postings and it allows us to build up our database so we can keep in ongoing communication.

    Please explain how “Allow posting without logging in” is going to improve this process and help us with the two items I mentioned above?

    2) So do we need to add an additional link somewhere or a redirect once the business owner logs in or successfully adds their listing so they can see the option to view and edit their listings…? If so, where does this get added and what needs to be added?

    Please explain further.

    Thank you,


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Robert,

    1. I see you are using UWP, if you set registration to auto log the user in it will redirect back to the add listing, if not please add instructions in the registration email.

    As Paolo mentioned, adding without loggin in will allow the user to skip going to the registration page, effectively they are either registered when adding or the listing will be added to their account if they already have one with the same details.

    2. you did not have the correct shortcode on that page, i have added it, you can set where the user is redirected to on login under the UWP login settings. (this will go there unless there is a url redirect query arg)

    The profile page shows the listings, you did not have that set to show. You can let the user get there via the GD Dashboard widget or the UWP login widget can be set to show a UWP dashbaord once logged in.



    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609


    I think I see what you are saying but need to confirm…I just set USP – Register – Registration Action to “Auto approve + auto login”

    Will that solve the issue so that a new business owner can effectively login, get auto-approved and then be redirect automatically to choose a package and add their listing?

    I also set the Register Redirect Page to Vendor Dashboard…is that correct for the business owner to view/edit their newly added listings?

    Thank you,


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You can check your settings here:

    Integration settings are covered here:

    Account Management with GD is covered here:

    What you set it for, I mean, you are talking about a vendor dashboard? that is not a GD page. So, what you set it for is up to you. But the docs above should clarify the settings for the integration with UWP if that is what you want to use.


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    Hey Alex,

    What I’m looking for is pretty simple and I would have to say “is expected” with any directory that any business owner is trying to sign up for/on or they’ll just leave and never come back to my site again.

    So basically all we’re looking for is the ability to provide a sign up / add listing link for new business owners that can quickly and easily sign up, register and add their listing, photos, logo, and whatever other features we’ve enabled for their sign up package.

    Then, once they’ve successfully added their listing(s), redirect them back to their (expected) dashboard / panel where they can then modify/edit their listings and/or track anything else we’ve added in for them.

    If it’s anymore involved than that, our last 5 years of experience in dealing with local business owners about ShopRVA ® is that they’re too lazy and will just drop off and not participate.

    So I’m trying to set this experience up so that a business owners just keeps getting pushed along in the sign up process without having to think or deal with making decisions until they have successfully added their listing.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    1. I have set it so it will redirect back to the add listing.
    2. i have added the profile widget to the sidebar so a user can view their stuff anytime.



    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    Thank you!!! You are and your team are awesome!!! Keep up the great work!!!


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609
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