Location or Places

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  John Overend 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    John Overend
    Full Member
    Post count: 103

    We should have worked this out before, but we’re seeing confusion in serps between ‘places’ and ‘location.

    A search for ‘Motoring Directory Essex’ will see the location page show up (which we haven’t modified) instead of what we would like which is the ‘places’ page (which we have).

    Essentially, the two different pages are the same, which isn’t good. Any suggestions on resolving it?



    Post count: 16516

    hi John,

    Thanks for your reply. I believe that can be adjusted using an SEO plugin. Or try redirecting the location page to places.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Also, can you say more about what you mean?

    If you have only one post type, the two pages, location and the places archive can be very similar.

    Have you considered adding additional items to the location page template to make it distinctive?

    GD Location Description, for example, or GD Listings with featured listings only?

    How are your visitors getting to the location page?


    John Overend
    Full Member
    Post count: 103

    Search is delivering results for both places and location. A search for Motoring Directory Essex, for example, brought up the location version yesterday (although this morning it’s places), with others we have already set up doing the same.

    There is only one CPT, so before we start playing with canonicals (although I’m not sure that will work for a category rather than a url) or 301s, I wondered if it was something you’d already accounted for in the core setup as it seems an obvious potential duplicate content problem.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi John,

    Thanks for your reply. Are you referring to both links shown in Google search as shown in the attached screenshot?

    This one https://www.carsuk.net/location/essex/ actually goes the list of listing that are available in essex.

    And this one https://www.carsuk.net/places/essex/grays-thurrock/ target’s the “Grays Thurrock” city.

    Both seem different.


    John Overend
    Full Member
    Post count: 103

    No, the results you see are what I saw yesterday, although this morning, from my location in a private browser, that search goes shows https://www.carsuk.net/places/essex/, which is where we’d expected, and want, it to go when we set it up.

    Essentially, with one CPT, a chunk of the location pages and places pages are the same. For example:

    is effectively the same as
    is effectively the same as

    We should have worked this out, but it will cause serps confusion.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Some members have chosen to noindex URLs that they don’t need.
    The page content can be different, though. Looks like you have adjusted the Titles and Metas, then add location description to set the location page apart from the category description (shown on a CPT category archive).

    We have a section on this page about addressing challenges for SEO


    John Overend
    Full Member
    Post count: 103

    Thanks for the suggestions Alex.


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