Hello Kiran,
Yes, that is what I was looking for.
Here’s my thought. The ‘Best of’ functionality where it displays listings on the same page as the category link, and changes the listings displayed when you click different categories, is really slick.
But it loses all of its appeal when the categories are really difficult to find what you’re looking for (I know you say there is an order, but they are seemingly random, and frustrating for the user who is simply used to scanning A-Z).
Then the listings themselves are also sorted first by ratings(?) and then I’m not sure the secondary sort, as they are all over the place. That would need to be different for what I was looking at as well.
Anyway, that functionality had some really cool possibilities. I know it is not what the intended use is, and that’s totally understandable. So I will just use the basic categories display that clicks the user to the specific GD Archive. It will be fine this way. But the Best of functionality, if laid out differently, had some real snazziness to it.
Thanks for following up. Have a great day.