Closed Venues

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ron 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Once I mark a venue as closed, is there any link trail to that venue. I know that it stays on the server and if I go direct to the venue, it comes up with the banner displaying that it is closed.

    I am curious if the search engines will be able to find these closed listings. I have a mature site that I am converting to to geodirectory and would be adding maybe 1,000 venues that have closed over the last 10 years and are still generating traffic to our site through google searches specific for these venues. Many times a user will then look for another restaurant and become a user to our site.

    I am nervous that when google re indexes our site it will not be able to find these closed venues I am adding. Any thoughts ?


    Post count: 29970

    I’ll get the developers to confirm this, but I think that all links from your site to the closed listing disappear, but at least you will not get a lot of 404s because the pages are still there.
    The idea is that you do not get broken links and missing pages so the search engines don’t start disliking you, and the search engines drop the closed listing page down in their search results when less and less links are found over time to the closed listing page.
    So if you add a listing and close it from day one, that page will never be discovered by the search engines organically.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Ok that makes since. For venues that have closed on the current site, I am adding a new listing on the new site and will include them in my 301 redirect table.

    I love the way you guys set these pages up. Like that the original categories still show up on the closed venues and users can find similar venues easily.

    Something to think about for future upgrades is adding a way for users to view a list of closed venues in a city.

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