This listing has a huge gap that wasn’t there in version one below the description. (see picture, it’s gone now)
The description has a nice embed from their meetup group. I don’t know how they inserted this or embedded this. There was only a link there, even in text view there’s just a link to the meetup. When I removed the link the space goes away. Now I can’t get the embedded meetup back (reference attached image with embedded meetup and space).
If you go to the custom field settings for this CPT I have both Show advanced editor and Embed Media URLs checked. So, I don’t know how this meetup was working to begin with, why it isn’t now working and why that space was there. I can’t even find embed code for the meetup page. So I went to youtube, grabbed some random embed code and there was not any weird space below the description anymore. But the video was squished which is something I’ve reported before when using embed inside of the video embed field. Alex shared CSS which I just tried and the embed no longer appeared to be squished but instead was hiding behind the video field below it. I’m going to remove the CSS for now.
So in the end here I guess I’m just reporting that the allow embedding doesn’t seem to be working right, esp. with youtube embed. I’m disabling it now. I don’t want the site to be tested anymore in this way. I’m just sharing observations.
I do have one question though: I noticed that the URL I inserted does not open in a separate browser page/tab. Is there a way to force links in the description field to always open in a separate window?