Events Widget

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kor 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    On near the bottom I added the category events widget and at first I noticed there was a sorting option in the beaver builder settings for this widget that offered a way to sort by featured. It also showed some other sort options. But, after publishing the page and going back to it those sorting options are not showing now.

    But, the main reason I’m here is because I want to show them by date. I want to sort them by date showing the soonest event first and the furthest out even last. How do I do that?


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    NEVERMIND! I totally got it! I think I’m just tired. That was easy! I just needed to add some fields to the sorting tab, duh… lol.

    Wow, this is really coming together nicely. And, Beaver Builder is proving work REALLY GREAT with GD!

    The sort options are showing in there now. At first they did show different options, like featured, but it also showed a custom field “nonprofit” at first that it didn’t show later. So, that threw me off. But, that may have just been needing to be refreshed or something. So, all is well here… 🙂


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for letting us know. Let us know if you need anything further.

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