Questions Regarding Listing Expirations

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TLN 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 131

    Hi Guys,

    So a while back, when an advertiser would sign up and pay for a listing using Stripe, their listing would show an expiration date (+1 month). Packages were set to auto-renew every month, so this seemed fine to me. However, I guess the whole time this was not the correct functionality, and after you guys fixed the checkout issues I was having with Stripe, all new listings now show “Never” instead of an expiration date. Our old listings however, still have an expiration date, and the expiration has passed. I have changed these expirations back to NULL in the database, and all seems good so far.

    What I’m wondering is, since these listings are set to never expire, what happens if a Stripe subscription is canceled, or if a customer’s card cannot be charged? Will the listing continue to be published indefinitely or will it be unpublished automatically?

    I’m just curious whether we will have to manually publish / un-publish listings in the future, or whether GeoDirectory is able to monitor the subscription status at the gateway level (Stripe or PayPal) and act accordingly.

    Thank you for any info you can provide.


    Post count: 29970

    You should get messages from the payment gateways informing you about any changes to existing contracts. You may have to act manually on these if the listings in your database have been created before packages were changed or if any data is changed in the database.
    Your original listings possibly were not recurring, and that is why they showed as expiring in a month instead of “never”.
    You should be able to check that in your payment gateway accounts.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 131

    Thanks for the reply.

    The subscriptions seem fine on Stripe. There are a couple renewing later today in fact.

    To clarify, you’re saying we may have to manually keep up with listings, or at least the ones that were entered before the Stripe issue was fixed.


    Post count: 29970

    Probably only for the first month, to see if any new payment is actually assigned as a new invoice for the correct listing.
    That will show if the “connection” between the payment gateway and the listing is still there or not.
    It is possible a monthly payment is received because the subscription setup at the gateway, but your website doesn’t know for which listing it is. Unlikely but possible.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 131

    Thanks Guust. All seems to be working fine. Cheers!

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