I installed the portuguese language pack and its working.
But even so, I realized that some text is not translated, for example in the Leave a Review.
I found out that in the review.php for example, there is:
comment_form(array(‘title_reply’ => __(‘Leave a Comment’, GEODIRECTORY_FRAMEWORK), ‘label_submit’ => __(‘Post Comment’, GEODIRECTORY_FRAMEWORK), ‘comment_field’ => ‘<p class=”comment-form-comment”><label for=”comment”>’ . __(‘Comment text’, GEODIRECTORY_FRAMEWORK) . ‘</label><textarea id=”comment” name=”comment” cols=”45″ rows=”8″ aria-required=”true”></textarea></p>’, ‘must_log_in’ => ‘<p class=”must-log-in”>’ . sprintf(__(‘You must be logged in to post a comment.’,
My question is:
Is this text (i.e: ‘Leave a Comment’) linked to the translation file?
Or should we translate it directly in the code?