shortcodes documentation V2 not as complete as V1?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    I just stumbled upon this page:

    Which is the kind of info that I’m looking for, I think…I want to know ALL the shortcodes, what they do, and what ALL the parameters are possible for each one, and what THEY do. But I don’t see this listed anywhere for V2. Just a list of shortcodes and a brief description, but nothing about the parameters or how to use them.

    Is this page from V1 still relevant or outdated for V2? For example, I see that hide_empty was listed somewhere (I am forgetting where I saw this) as using “true”/”false”… but in I recently was given code with this parameter and a number 1, which I assume is for “true”, and I assume 0 is for “false”.

    It’s a royal pain to have to go to the code builder to sort through it all for those of us that don’t really know coding that well…it would be super handy to just have a page with EVERYTHING listed, as a quick and easy reference to look up every time I needed to know the codes and what the options for them were. I like having a handy reference like that.

    So does this exist for V2 or have I just missed it somewhere? Everything I’ve seen has been sparse in its info on the shortcode or requires me to use the code builder. Sometimes I just want to type it in.


    Post count: 29970

    Have a look at

    In V2 we have the shortcode builder, where you can find all shortcodes, and we have added all the tooltips to the different options.
    All shortcodes are also available as widgets or blocks, so you can all see them there too. The blocks and widgets have the same tooltips.

    There are a lot more shortcodes and widgets in V2 than V1 to enable your own design more easily, so we decided the tooltips were the best way. The simplest way is to review your widgets, and then you know what shortcode you are looking for.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    That’s the page I’ve been looking at and it doesn’t have a lot of specific info. It still requires me to go to the shortcode builder to find the specifics…and I’m finding there are times that the builder or the widget doesn’t have the info I need, and I’ve had to dig into the forums to find specifics that someone has posted.

    It would be SO MUCH EASIER if at least the main parameters were listed. The only thing listed on that page is a very brief description. Very little about what the possible parameters could be. All that seems to have to be found through clicking boxes in the widgets or shortcode builder.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    That’s right, that’s what the shortcode builder is for. The design elements page is just a reference for the list of shortcodes.

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