Supreme Detail Page Template Adress

This topic contains 16 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Naveen Giri 5 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #497896

    Post count: 802


    I am using Supreme Directory. I set GeoDirectory Single template.

    The adress line shows only City, Region and Country, but not the Adress (red marked in the attached screenshot).

    However, I am trying to set the CPT Custom Fields settings to show only the adress, not City, Region and Country, but I can not save the City setting because, although I untick it and save, it always shows as ticked (red marked in the attached screenshot, Region and Country green marked).

    What am I doing wrong?

    Also, instead the Category image the first letter of its name is shown (green marked in the attached screenshot). I assume that this is due to the fact that there is not a Category image set, right? where can I set a default Category image?

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi jotomas,

    Thanks for your post. Could you share your Website Wp admin access here in private reply so that we could check this out for you?


    Post count: 802
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    That part is designed with a template file (within the supreme child them). You need to edit the template to change anything in that section, it is not possible to edit that part via options.



    Post count: 802

    Hi Paolo,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    I do not know how to edit the template. I set to show the Adress in the Detail Page Sidebar and it shows correctly there.

    Could you please let me know how to hide the adress line of the template with CSS?

    An issue remains: why I can not untick to show City in the settings?

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Best regards.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    By ‘template’ Paolo means the GeoDirectory Single PHP template which requires developer skills.

    Instead you might want to just hide the address there and place it somewhere else on the page.

    .sd .sd-address {
        display: none;

    The settings for “show city in address” looks like a bug and the developers will look into it and post an update here


    Post count: 802

    Hello Alex,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    Ok, done. I used the CCS to hide the adress in the Supreme listing detail page header and I added the adress tab, but then the problem described here arises:

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi jotomas,

    Thanks for your reply. A developer will look into that topic.



    Naveen Giri
    Post count: 1559

    Hi @jotomas,

    the website and login seems not working.

    Please share WP Admin and FTP credentials in private reply. so I can check it.

    WordPress Credentials
    WP Admin Login URL:
    WP Admin Username:
    WP Admin Password:

    FTP Credentials
    FTP Host:
    FTP Port:
    FTP User:
    FTP Password:


    Post count: 802
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
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    Post count: 802
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    I added GD Post Address through the tabs.

    Please check and see if the output is correct.

    To alter GD Post Address see:


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
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    Naveen Giri
    Post count: 1559
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