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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  KB 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #49813

    Post count: 72

    Hello GD,

    Been searching for a while and not really finding too much that helps me out.

    Is there an easy way to replace the “Add Listing”, “My Places” and “My Favorites” drop down boxes (widget), since there is mostly just one drop down selection, with just a word link that would accomplish the same function within the “Dashboard”. the “Add Listing” is not an issue, but… is it (easily) possible to accomplish just a word link for “My Favorites” and “My Listings” and have the same results as the “My Favorite” & “My Listings” drop down boxes in the GD Login Widget?

    Using the “Theme My Login” plugin and hoping there is a simple way to accomplish this.

    I thank you in advance for any help or suggestions.


    Post count: 29970

    There is no simple solution. The links change depending who is logged in, and whether they have listings or not etc.
    Best tip I can give is to add the GD dashboard widget direct below the “Theme My Login” widget, but hide the heading. That way the GD widget does not show to logged-out users and only shows the menus to logged-in users.


    Post count: 72

    Thanks Guust,

    That is what I am doing now . . .

    With Using just “Places”, I would think, in my opinion, it is just so much cleaner to just have a word link to accomplish what a drop down box with just one choice does, less confusing for logged in users too.

    Thanks again for your quick response.

    Be well

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