Can I get an email anytime a listing is edited?

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    I ask because I’m already getting businesses that are trying to put their listings in categories that don’t fit their business…something I am changing when I approve their listing for publishing. But I want to know that if they try to change it back again that I will get notice.

    Plus, if it becomes an issue in the future…as I’m sure some troublemaker will make it an issue eventually, trying to get more views by putting themselves in extra categories (and no, I don’t want to limit categories because I do have businesses that legit fit a ton of categories)…that I can be alerted to the editing so I can see it and remove their claimed listing status. I CAN remove claimed statuses, I presume? (side question)

    But back to original question…WILL I get an email notification when anyone edits their listing? Or is there a way to make this the case?


    Post count: 29970

    Have a look at GD > Settings > Emails tab > Admin emails subtab > Listing edited > Enable email > Yes

    You can remove claimed statuses by setting to Claimed > NO in the backend.


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