when I update my geoDirectory plugins my website breaks.

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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 275

    I can update 3 geoDirectory plugings but when I update the forth my website. When I try to access my website it resolved to an download option and my website is broken, inaccessible.

    This has been going up for almost one year now, ever since I updated to the GeoDirectory V2. I gave up on my website for 8 months but I am now giving it another change, so going back and trying to fix the numerous problems. I really hope there is no GeoDirectory V3 any time soon.

    So I called my hosting service provider (hostgator) and showed them the problem. They said it was a PHP conflight issue they a PHP selector, I can choose PHP7.0 and PHP7.1, no matter which I choose the problems continues until I edit my .htaccess file.

    So each time this problem happens I have to remove the addhandler line in the .htaccess file. I remove the line below.
    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php70s .php

    But then, I can only update 3 geoDirectory pluging the fourth causes the same problem all over again and I need to remove this same line of code again in the .htaccess file.

    My hosting provider is saying the that the geoDirectory plugins keep updating the .htaccess file causing a PHP conflit and braking my website.

    Do you have any experience with this issue and do you have any Idea how to resolved it permanently because I am sick of having to edit that file and removing the “AddHandler application/x-httpd-php70s .php” and clearing my cache for my website to work again.

    See attached picture of the error message I get when updating the geo directory plugins.
    Thank you.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi rigots,

    Thank you so much for giving our product another try. Could you please share both WP and FTP access here in private reply so that we could troubleshoot this further for you?

    WP Admin
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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 275
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
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    Naveen Giri
    Post count: 1559

    Hi @rigots,

    do you face same issue while updating any other plugin too?



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 275

    The only other plugin that I had trouble with the same problem that was not GeoDirectory Plugin was “Yoast SEO”.

    But then again, this problem only happens on the 4th update. So I can do three GeoDirectory plugin updates, the 4th update breaks the site.

    Maybe I have not done 4 updates un a row that are not GeoDirectory, to see if the problem happens with others.

    I feel this all happened after upgrading to GeoDirectory V2. Before that I had never seen such issue.



    Post count: 7069

    Hi Rigo,

    I checked and seems all GD plugins are updated to recent version.
    We never face similar issue from our side. Just let us know if you see issue again.



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 275

    Yes, A couple days ago. I upgraded my other website to GeoDirectory V2 from V1.

    When I update the V2 directory I had update GeoDirectory plugins and what a pain it was, every few updates the website kept on breaking whit the same error as I described above. I knew how to temporally fix the problem for commenting out the “AddHandler application/x-httpd-php70s .php” line in the .htacces file but it was so anoying having to do this every few updates.

    I called my hostgator hosting service again and they assured me that my site is all setup to support PHP 7.0, yet it keeps breaking while performing updates. They blame it on the updates, but at this point I am not sure what todo. No one wants to take responsibility for the problem, because they can’t figure out what is really causing it.

    Any other advice from your side?



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    No, just let us know if you see a problem with GD updates.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 275

    Hi, I escalated this issue with my hosing service provider “host gator” and they still think that my plugins or themes are causing this problem.

    I have two sites both using GeoDirecory and it’s plugins. Both have the same issue. I updated from V1 to V2 and this issue started 8 months ago. Two weeks ago I just converted my second website from V1 to V2 and the same problem is happening now on both websites.

    This is what host gator had to say about the issue, do you have any more suggestions from your side?
    All of the errors described (MySQL extension missing, site downloading) are related to the PHP version and misconfigurations of it. Based on the call notes it seems that you have reason to believe that changes made to WordPress general settings are triggering the change in PHP version. It is possible for WordPress and any plugins or themes you have installed to modify the .htaccess file. While we cannot identify which plugin, theme, or setting has triggered the changes, I can tell you that WordPress will only modify content within its own code block. This is the same for any reputable plugins. An example of the code block is below.


    You will see in lines 2 and 29, there is BEGIN WordPress and END WordPress. Every line between 2 and 29 can be modified by WordPress when you go into change settings that require updates to the .htaccess file, such as permalink changes. On line 3 you will see the AddHandler directive which tells the server which version of PHP to use to process PHP files.

    To resolve the recurring issue, I have moved the AddHandler directive outside of the WordPress code block so that it is no longer overwritten when changes are made to WordPress settings. Please confirm that the site is working as intended at your earliest convenience.

    I hope this addresses all of the concerns that you have contacted us for today. If I have any misunderstanding about what you are requesting from us or what you are trying to do please correct me. I have tried to identify and assist with the issue to the best of my abilities with the information provided to me. If this is the case please let us know, or you can provide us with a good contact number and a time to reach you and we will be more then happy to call you personally.

    I called them because the issue continue, but they can not further help me. All they can do change the PHP back to 7.0 or 7.1 to make it work, but they say one of my plugins or themes are changing the PHP back to version 5.6 and they can not do anything about it.

    If you look at my site I have the very minimal plugings that you guys provided or suggested to.

    Any other suggestions?


    Post count: 7069

    Hi rigots,

    We need to some debugging during v1 to v2 conversion.

    Please provide us staging site with running GDv1 data and also provide phpMyAdmin & FTP credentials as well for that.

    I will do conversion from my side to look what going wrong there.

    Best Regards,

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