Hey Support,
Hoping you can help me. Just so you know the GeoDirectory WP All Import plugin is working awesome now! Thanks guys for getting that sorted! I am not very good with CSV files and am running into an issue with Category ID’s. Let me explain
When I download or export current listings, so that I can see the header columns etc. the categories are listed like “,81,9,12” in the post_category column. Right?
My problem comes in when I try to paste a column of categories like this as it puts them into different columns… comma separated. You probably know this, right?
Also if I put ,9 into the main category and then drag to copy.. I get addition hence ,9,10,11 etc. Also not what I want, right?
My question is how can I edit these columns without having these issues so that my import will go smoothly? otherwise my options that I see now are to manually edit each column or have to manually edit each listing (which I sure am trying to avoid)
I am using the Mapping Categories option. See screenshot. Is there a different way to do this?