WPML Help Please

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 4 years, 5 months ago.

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    Julie Burns
    Expired Member
    Post count: 27

    I have searched the forum but I am not seeing an add new post or topic button, I have tried different browsers but still no luck so I am posting here – sorry!

    I must have my dumb head on as I am only getting the WordPress admin bar to translate.

    I am having problems following the documentation as there is a difference with the docs and what I am actually seeing.
    1 – WPML Translation Management – Who do you want to translate?
    2 – Title and Meta settings – Blank at blank? what does this mean? should I delete all details?
    I have added translate on all pages and still nothing. The only thing that changed was there was an error with some listings.

    I then followed WPML instructions and added to basket in translations management but looks like I will have to pay more?
    Do I have to download .mo files from GD?
    Getting really frustrated, please help in simple terms.
    I have also added support as a user as suggested.
    Thanks in advance.


    Post count: 29970

    So making sure first that you are wanting to make a website in more than one language, you are not just wanting to translate your site to one other language.

    Please post, in a private reply, your
    1. URL
    2. WP Admin details
    3. details of what you are trying to translate, eg a page or a listing.

    and we will get you started.

    Translations by the WPML team are indeed not free.

    The main theme and plugin languages are often easiest translated with the .PO and .MO files.

    Some links:


    Julie Burns
    Expired Member
    Post count: 27
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    you have our Miltilingual addon installed, and I added our WPML widget to your GD Sidebar as shown in the widget.

    Now you just need to translate all your content. For each GD Listing, you can use that widget to duplicate it into another language.

    For plugin translation, as Guust says, it is often easier to translate plugins with POEdit, as described here: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs-v2/translation/overview/

    For more help with translating content, you should refer to WPML’s docs. We only cover how to translate listings with duplication. Everything else works as expected for WPML.


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