What i’m trying to do is find a way that a site visitor only needs to enter their details into a form once, and from that point they can one click on a listing page to send an enquiry to a listing owner.
I’m trying to do this with Ninja forms and i’m using the user management add on in Ninja, which allows you to create a new user from a form fill. So I’ve set things so the first form fill from a visitor creates a wp user for them.
What I’d now like to do is have things set so the form isn’t shown from that point on, but on every listing a button is displayed saying “enquire now”, which would send the listing owner the user’s details.
It seems that ninja forms can pull in the WP user details, but right now once the first form fill is made, all listing pages have a message saying “Please logout to view this form”.
I’m wondering if perhaps I can create a form that has all hidden fields and just a visible “submit” button, which is only shown to logged in users, and which pulls the user details into the hidden fields?
Or is there a better way?
I’m doing all this as a prelude to my ultimate desire, which is to use the favorites as a shortlist, to which a user can contact all favourites with one form fill/click.