Dear Stiofan,
Whilst I was very happy to learn that GeoDirectory’s view on Oxygen has changed to positive, (and it must have been a recent change as I remember reading some pretty stiff and negative responces from your support team on this subject) I have to stress that you may need to find the required time and resources fast enough to stay ahead of the WordPress game.
This may also involve such frameworks as Brizy, but I believe that GeoDirectory’s adapting to Oxygen Builder might solve many bulk problems naturally.
After testing GeoDirectory’s available free themes, I realised how ridgid and inflexible they are. Some of them recommend using Beaver Builder! What?! Why?!
Also, Elementor is beginning to look and feel old and boring against the background of Oxygens, Brizies and the likes.
When do you plan to deal with Oxygen Builder compatibility problems?
Many thanks in advance,