hopefully this is something simple i’m overlooking.
currently, the flow works like this….
1. owner claims listing
2. owner hits upgrade or renew listing on their claimed page
3. owner picks upgraded package and enters info, hits “review your listing” button.
4. owner clicks “checkout to upgrade now”
5. owner enters credit card and billing address information
6. owner hits pay and publish
7. if the card is entered correctly, it’s over, works great. if the card is declined, owner is sent to…
Posting Canceled
The credit card number is invalid.
Your listing’s info has been saved, but your payment didn’t go through. Please contact support to arrange payment before your upgraded listing is published.
Your listing is cancelled. Sorry for cancellation.
at this point, i’d like to be able to have them just correct their card number and try again through the gd-checkout page.
but currently, this is the end of the process, there are no buttons on the page to take you back to the cart. if you hit back in the browser, your session is gone and the cart just displays “oops”. the only option is to go back to the place listing page and repeat steps 2 through 6.
how can i send them back to the checkout page on an authorize.net declined transaction?
hopefully this is as easy as adding a redirect somewhere. after they hit “pay and publish” using the authorize.net payment option, if the card is declined, i’d like them to go back to the checkout page with their upgraded listing still in their cart so they can try again.
making them go through all those extra steps just because of a typo in a credit card number is going to make people really upset. i’d like to make it as easy as possible in the case of a declined card for them to just enter the card details and try again.
thanks for your time.