Edit Listings not showing up

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jane 4 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #534751

    Full Member
    Post count: 41


    I was advised to change the way the archive pages were set up, using the Theme Builder in Elementor, which I have done. Content has now been inserted as a template from an archive in the Theme Builder.

    I still cannot see the Edit Listings options for users to update their own listing. Attached is a screen shot of the content in GD Archive Item. This is the short code entered here, as an archive item in Elementor Theme Builder, inserted into the page as a Template.

    [gd_archive_item_section type=’open’ position=’left’]
    [gd_post_badge key=’featured’ condition=’is_not_empty’ badge=’FEATURED’ bg_color=’#fd4700′ txt_color=’#ffffff’ css_class=’gd-ab-top-left-angle gd-badge-shadow’]
    [gd_post_images type=’image’ ajax_load=’true’ link_to=’post’ show_logo=’true’]
    [gd_archive_item_section type=’close’ position=’left’]
    [gd_archive_item_section type=’open’ position=’right’]
    [gd_post_title tag=’h2′]
    [gd_post_badge key=’post_date’ condition=’is_less_than’ search=’+30′ icon_class=’fas fa-certificate’ badge=’New’ bg_color=’#ff0000′ txt_color=’#ffffff’ alignment=’left’]
    [gd_post_badge key=’featured’ condition=’is_not_empty’ icon_class=’fas fa-certificate’ badge=’Featured’ bg_color=’#ffb100′ txt_color=’#ffffff’ alignment=’left’]
    [gd_post_badge key=’claimed’ condition=’is_not_empty’ search=’+30′ icon_class=’fas fa-user-check fa-fw’ badge=’Verified’ bg_color=’#23c526′ txt_color=’#ffffff’ alignment=’left’ list_hide_secondary=’3′]
    [gd_post_badge key=’facebook’ condition=’is_not_empty’ icon_class=’fab fa-facebook-f fa-fw’ link=’%%input%%’ new_window=’1′ bg_color=’#2b4be8′ txt_color=’#ffffff’ alignment=’left’]
    [gd_post_badge key=’twitter’ condition=’is_not_empty’ icon_class=’fab fa-twitter fa-fw’ link=’%%input%%’ new_window=’1′ bg_color=’#2bb8e8′ txt_color=’#ffffff’ alignment=’left’]
    [gd_post_badge key=’website’ condition=’is_not_empty’ icon_class=’fas fa-link fa-fw’ link=’%%input%%’ new_window=’1′ bg_color=’#85a9b5′ txt_color=’#ffffff’ alignment=’left’]
    [gd_author_actions author_page_only=’1′]
    [gd_post_rating alignment=’left’ list_hide_secondary=’2′]
    [gd_post_fav show=” alignment=’right’ list_hide_secondary=’2′]
    [gd_post_meta key=’business_hours’ location=’listing’ list_hide_secondary=’2′]
    [gd_output_location location=’listing’]
    [gd_post_content key=’post_content’ limit=’60’ max_height=’120′]
    [gd_archive_item_section type=’close’ position=’right’]

    Can you please advise me what I have done wrong.



    Full Member
    Post count: 41
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    if you want to show edit links on pages outside the author pages, it slows queries down, but it is easy to do.


    [gd_author_actions author_page_only='1']


    [gd_author_actions ]

    Full Member
    Post count: 41
    This reply has been marked as private.
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