Map Bubble CPT css?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joy 4 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #540834

    Post count: 1076

    Hello! I am using the following snippet to change the formatting of the map bubble addresses:

    function _my_map_address_add($html,$fields_location){
    $html = do_shortcode('[gd_post_address show="icon-label-value" address_template="%%post_title%% %%post_title_br%% :: %%street_br%% %%neighbourhood_br%% %%city_br%% %%region_br%% %%zip_br%% %%country%%"]').$html;
        return $html;

    Can css be used to target post types? I only want the address to be shown this way on one type – on the other type I have, no address is necessary. But using this snippet “forces” an address in the map bubble and overrides the cpt field settings. Or can this snippet be adjusted to only change the address and override the field settings for a specific cpt? Thank you very much!


    Post count: 7069

    Hi Joy,

    We have allowed to customize map popup template for each post type. It will be in next release of v2.0.0.90.

    Try this patch

    Now you can use template for different post type with name map-popup-POSTTYPE.php.

    To customize template for “gd_place” post type map popup you have to copy template file from /plugins/geodirectory/templates/map-popup.php to /YOURTHEME/geodirectory/map-popup-gd_place.php

    Let us know.



    Post count: 1076

    Thank you for the update Kiran. With the next release will we still need to create a custom template file or will the template option setting be available within the WP Dashboard?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    The change allows an easy way to name the files for customizing. There won’t be a dashboard option. The map popup is difficult to work with as a page template because it has to follow very strict handling in order to work with the APIs and cache.


    Post count: 1076

    Okay, thanks for the clarification.

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