Ho to disable "Listing published" mail when creating listings from backend?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Tom 9 years, 5 months ago.

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    Post count: 123

    Dear support,

    I’m currently moving some listings to the GD part of my site that have been created at a time when my site was still running under a different Geo Plugin.

    So the listing owners where already informed about the listings in the past. (Actually they created the listings – I’m just moving it to the new system.)

    I do not want another notification email to be sent out when I create the new listing as admin from the backend. But of course I do have to enter their email, so that they get notivied when customers want to contact them.

    Is there a way to (temporarily) disable the listing notifications to be sent out?



    Post count: 29970

    Hi Tom, if you enter a listing from the backend, the listing will be “owned” by the admin. So no notifications.
    If you enter an email address in the email field, that only creates the contact form. So no notifications.
    Either you get the users to claim their listing, or you change the owner of the listing in the backend. Again, no notifications.
    Hopefully this clears things up.


    Post count: 123

    Hi Guust,
    perfect, thanks a lot for the clarification … than I can proceed now and move all the listings (… instead of going to sleep although it’s close to midnight. Hmm … ;-))



    Post count: 29970

    Never let the dark knight stop you from doing what’s right, Tom. 🙂


    Post count: 123


    All right, some more coffee #000…

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