Hide category/next/prev from listings page

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Fredrik 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #58530

    Post count: 67


    Is there an option somewhere to hide the category being shown on the listings page? I’ve looked around and can’t find it. Sorry in advance if it’s in plain sight.

    This is done easily in css, but I figured it’d be a better option to check if it can be disabled first in the GD options.

    Also; is there a way to turn off the Next/Previous controls as well?


    Post count: 29970

    Next/Previous are a WP feature, and easiest is to hide with CSS.

    If you trash all listings in the category, the category should disappear.


    Post count: 67

    Will some functionality be removed if I remove the category? When adding a new listing the category is required, if there are none what happens then?

    Or did you mean to remove all listings from the category?


    Post count: 29970

    You need at least one category, and every listing needs to be at least in one category.
    I guess you wanted to ask if you can have an Add Listing page without categories and you cannot.
    But if you have more than one category, and there are no listings in one of the categories, that category will not show on the front end (but will show on the Add Listing page).


    Post count: 67

    I hid it with CSS, thanks.

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