Excel Importing is not working

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    Abhishek Modi
    Post count: 205

    Hi, On importing listing using excel sheet, it says following things:

    Total 1 item(s) found.
    1 / 1 item(s) ignored due to already exists.

    The Listings I’m tring to upload have totally new ids or id, even i have export the live excel sheet. So it won’t disturb other “Ids”. I have also checked the PhpMy Admin Table as no “id” exist. I tried using new “Id” number but still getting the following error.

    If i go for “Update listing if post with post_id already exists.” As i don’t want to take risk as its a live site and may results in malfunctioning.



    Post count: 29970


    If you are using Excel then that will be most likely the problem.


    Abhishek Modi
    Post count: 205

    Hi Guust, I have checked these Docs long before But Unable to get the solution that i’m looking for. Just tried with Difference in ids and its working but issue is how we know for which “ids” it will work or not. Suppose if i have imported with Id 1809, then 1810 is ignored due to same id. This is really a pain to check which are published and which are ignored.



    Post count: 29970

    Right, now I see the problem I think. You cannot import new listings with an ID, IDs can only be used if you want to overwrite an existing one. WP needs to be able to assign its own IDs.

    Let us know if that is the problem.


    Abhishek Modi
    Post count: 205

    Yes Guust You are right. My Mistake Lack of Concentration :).

    Just last thing In excel when we upload image to folder, Its not creating other image variants compared to when we upload image from web. At the moment Featured image is missing, So the only solution left is open each post and click update then only its generating featured image & other image sizes.



    Post count: 29970

    GD does not create other image sizes, other than the size uploaded, to save server space.
    The first image for the listing is automatically the featured listing (or should be anyway).


    Abhishek Modi
    Post count: 205
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    How do you get that image in the sidebar?
    Can you post the URL of that page?


    Abhishek Modi
    Post count: 205
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Ok, I was able to recreate this. You shouldn’t be using a thumbnail for the featured image, but always the full size format and make sure that it is resized with CSS.

    The system cannot creates the thumbnails while imported (it would take too long), so it creates them only when saving each listings.

    The problem is in the functions used to show that image in the sidebar.


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