Share Boxes issue

This topic contains 12 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joy 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #63155

    Post count: 1076

    The share boxes doesn’t seem to work properly in Firefox. The logos don’t appear for some reason – except for Google Plus. I’ve attached a screenshot for you to review. This screen shot is from your demo site.

    Can I replace the logos with font awesome icons or my own images? They are universal so I’m sure it would load just fine across all browsers.

    Thank you.


    Post count: 29970

    Can you post your URL and admin details in a private reply please so we can check.
    We cannot debug pictures.


    Post count: 1076

    Sure, but the picture is a screenshot of your own demo site. I’ll send my creds in the following message. Thank you.


    Post count: 1076
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I see them all on both our demo and your website (with both firefox and chrome).

    Please try to clear your browser cache.

    These are official widgets (iframes) from their resepctive websites (facebook, google+ and twitter), they can’t be replaced by fontawesome icons. There is no way to style them. You can only hide them if you don’t like them…



    Post count: 1076

    Very strange. I still don’t see them and I’ve cleared the cache and viewed on three different computers. It shows up fine on my mobile device though.

    Can the “share” icon be adjusted at all?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    These are official widgets (iframes) from their resepctive websites (facebook, google+ and twitter), they can’t be replaced by fontawesome icons. There is no way to style them. You can only hide them if you don’t like them…



    Post count: 1076

    I tried to restart my computer and cleared the cache but I’m seeing the same effect. How can I remove/edit the sideboxes? From what I see I am only able to adjust the widgets below the listing information – how can I adjust the shareboxes above to use an alternate sharing option?


    Post count: 1076

    Also, how can I place something between the listing gallery and information boxes? I am using the Kleo theme and would like to place their social share function in between if possible – as well as remove the sharing sideboxes.

    Thank you.


    Post count: 1076

    Nevermind, I found support on this from the Kleo forums. If anyone else is interested and is using the Kleo theme. This is the function:

    add_action('geodir_details_main_content', 'add_social_sharing', 35);
    function add_social_sharing() {
        get_template_part( 'page-parts/posts-social-share' );

    Post count: 1076

    I ended up removing both of the share boxes since I replaced with the Kleo social sharing. If anyone is interested in removing the share boxes, add the following to your child style.css file:

    .geodir-details-sidebar-social-sharing {
        display: none;
    .geodir-details-sidebar-sharethis {
        display: none;

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Just FYI, there are options to hide them in GeoDirectory >> Design >> Detail.

    Thanks for sharing anyway 🙂


    Post count: 1076

    LOL. Okay, thank you.

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