Thanks for fixing it so quickly Stifoan
So is it true that I actually do have to keep my paid subscription going if I want the addons to continue functioning? I was under the impression that things would still work no matter what updates came out I couldn’t get, I just wouldn’t get the improvements.
If this is the case I’m a bit miffed, because a) I have to keep paying indefinately, which is not the impression I got before buying and b) It’s going to be really problematic when I’m away from the pc ie on holiday, with updates coming out every couple of days, parts of the directory could stop functioning at any moment and it looks like I have to constantly check for updates.
I still have 3 add ons showing as red, I can’t find a way to update them in the plugin menu. Do I have to delete them and manually download the plugin every time from the site? Won’t this delete my settings? I have my details in the auto update section, shouldn’t I be able to do it from the plugin screen?
Also, what actually caused the original problem with all the code showing here? It got me in a real panic! :/