Changing the Text of Custom Fields Website, Facebook and Twitter

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    Hefin Dsouza
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    When Displaying “Website” , “Twitter” and “Facebook” Custom Fields the output shows as

    “Website” , “Facebook” , “Twitter” and they are linked to the URL the user enters , but I want it to display the URL and it should be hyperlinked..

    For example if the User has entered “” as the website instead of displaying

    Website it should display as

    When exploring I came across “geodir_show_listing_info(‘detail’)” function which gets the Content for the Custom Fields.

    As of now I can do one thing which is copy the whole function from the “custom_fields_functions.php” and paste it in the Functions.php and change this

     $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '"><span class="geodir-i-website" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af . '<a href="' . $website . '" target="_blank" ' . $rel . ' ><strong>' . apply_filters('geodir_custom_field_website_name', stripslashes(__($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory')), $website, $post->ID) . '</strong></a></span></div>';


     $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '"><span class="geodir-i-website" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af . '<a href="' . $website . '" target="_blank" ' . $rel . ' ><strong>' . $website . '</strong></a></span></div>';

    Which would give me the desired output but is there an easier way to do it? My functions.php is just becoming bigger and bigger… ;(

    P.S : I think using the language file would still give me a Fixed Text where as here i want the value of the textbox to be visible as the Link title.


    Hefin Dsouza
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48


    Instead of doing this I thought of something else but I still need help..

    First im going to disable the Website, Facebook and Twitter links to appear on the More Details Tab.

    Now im thinking of making a new function in the Functions.php calling the required fields and deciding the layout..

    Now the question is How do I make the output of this function appear on the Listing Detail Page just below the Default Description Im using the code from to display the Details in a single tab…


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    please have a look at this:

    Let us know how you went,


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