Near search without location page

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 9 years, 2 months ago.

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    Dominic Lachmuth
    Expired Member
    Post count: 44

    Hi there

    I have several problems atm.

    1) I have a custom starting page, where I placed a link grid with pictures for categories.
    These links will link to /places/chosencategorie (this is not a problem, but the setting I want to leave as it is)

    2) First issue: I dont want geodirectory to redirect my customers to the gd-location page.
    But I want them to be able to filter within /places/chosencategorie with the city name.
    -> I can’t let the customized search filter for categories but only for distance and custom fields..? is this normal? this makes absolutely no sense at all, does it?

    3) Is it possible to filter listing for cities and see the distance from my user to the listing without going to gd-location for location fix? it would be ok for me if the user has to type in his address manually.

    4) I created a new custom post. but since I did this, my “add listing” page doesnt show up anymore. if I click on the menue link, the site seems to load something but stops and stays on the home page (the custom one).

    If anyone could help me, would be awesome. I am really struggling with this and I think I maybe somehow destroyed my page during the process implementing stuff.

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    Thanks a ton



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    2) that’s not possible, when a user change location, he’s redirected to the home page of that location. The system cannot work any other way. After they set their location, they can start browsing categories for that location.

    3) You can do that using the “Near” field of the search form. Then with custom filters you can restrict even further. once you use the near field the search results will be ordered by distance by default.

    4) I’d need to check your settings for this, please provide a link and admin credentials and I’ll have a look.



    Dominic Lachmuth
    Expired Member
    Post count: 44

    is there a way to search with advance search for categories or sub-categories? i cant add this field to advanced search filters


    Post count: 29970

    You can only search for listings, not for categories. You can only browse to categories.
    You can restrict a search for listings to only look in selected categories. You should first add the “category” custom field to the filter options by going to GD > CPT settings > category field > include this field in filter options.
    Then it will show in advance search filter settings.

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