Hi there – I am trying to implement GeoDirectory for a directory website. I have added a GD loginbox on the homepage via its widget. The loginbox is displaying only the ‘Sign in/Existing user’ login box and it is not displaying the ‘Sign up/New registration’ box on the right side. Also, if I click on the link ‘New User? Register Now’ below the Loginbox it takes me to ?geodir_signup=true&page1=sign_up which is identical to the homepage. Therefore a new user cannot register as there is no option for them to do so. I have set everything to Yes under Geodirextory > Listing Claims > Options.
How do I get the new user registration box to display?
I have installed the Enfold theme and created a child theme as per https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/enfold-compatibility-code-please-test/ .
I have disabled all plugins except Claim Manager and Payment Manager to see if this would help but it made no difference.
I am a novice with no knowledge of CSS and very basic understanding of HTML.
Thanks in advance.