Markus Boettcher

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  • in reply to: Add Listing Region/City Language #396354

    Markus Boettcher
    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    Hi Paolo, thank you for the comment. I actually solved the problem by ‘Disable Google address autocomplete?’ and ‘Disable set address on map from changing address fields’ Regards, Markus

    in reply to: Distance #390668

    Markus Boettcher
    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    Hi Stiofan,

    Thank you for looking into this.

    At Geodirectory / Multilocations I have set the city coordinates for Singapore to lat 1.2835627 / lon 103.8606872 which is equal to the coordinates of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel which by many is considered to be right in the middle of Singapore.

    If I search for Singapore then following search url is generated:

    It appears that the coordinates are taken from Google instead of Geodirectory / Multilocations. Consequently the distance of the Marina Bay Sands hotel to the city centre is shown as 8.87 km, which is simply misleading for Singapore as the city centre as delivered by Google is the geographical centre of Singapore which is in the middle of a central water catchment area a couple of km away from the actual city centre.

    If I manually correct the search url to:

    the distance of the Marina Bay Sands hotel to the city centre is correctly shown as 0 meters. So there is nothing wrong with the distance calculation as such.

    Is there are quick way to modify listing-listview.php in a way that the coordinates are taken from Geodirectory / Multilocations rather than from Google? That would enable me to set the city centre coordinates for all cities manually to the actual centre of the cities rather than taking what Google Maps calculates as the city centre.

    Regards, Markus

    in reply to: Neighbourhood Widget and Location Switcher #385976

    Markus Boettcher
    Expired Member
    Post count: 8


    Thank you for the reply. I actually now figured out that my problem of not getting the listings for neighbourhoods shown is related to two bugs:

    – Neighbourhood widget is not considering custom post types -> See also

    – Import function is not considering neighbourhoods after update -> See also

    This basically results in neighbourhoods not being imported any more and even if the neighbourhoods are in post_neighbourhood the widget generates a URL that does not find the listings.

    For me that basically means at this point to:

    – Fix the neighbourhood widget so that it generates in my case for instance instead of

    – Ignore the css import function for neighbourhoods and to write the data directly into the respective database tables

    Please let me know if those bugs can be expected to be fixed soon. Otherwise I will implement the above described workarounds.

    Best, Markus

    in reply to: Neighbourhood Widget and Location Switcher #385935

    Markus Boettcher
    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    Hi Paolo,

    Thank you for the fast response.

    Re. 1) I understand that neighbourhoods will only show on location sessions. This is not easy to explain to users, but so be it.

    Re. 2) I still do not understand how the listings are getting into the what you call location page. I now understand that location page, ‘Geodirectory / Design / Home’ and ‘GD Home’ refers to the same thing. I played with the widgets and still don’t understand how the listings are getting into the location page. Can you please tell me in detail which widgets need to go where to make the location page showing listings?

    Re. 3) Got it. As long as the location page is not working, the location switcher does not produce any results.

    Best, Markus

    in reply to: Neighbourhood Widget and Location Switcher #385896

    Markus Boettcher
    Expired Member
    Post count: 8
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Hook for Custom Fields #380473

    Markus Boettcher
    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    Hi Stiofan,

    thank you a lot! It works very well.

    Best, Markus

    in reply to: Hook for Custom Fields #380268

    Markus Boettcher
    Expired Member
    Post count: 8
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Hook for Custom Fields #380267

    Markus Boettcher
    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    Hi Stiofan,

    Thank you for looking into that topic.

    One good example for a custom field is geodir_classification in wp_geodir_gd_place_detail. The values need to be entered as number ranging from 1 to 5 but need to be shown as a number of stars in the front-end e.g. ***** for a 5-star hotel.

    I would like to implement something like:

    function ggp_geodir_classification( $classification ){
    if($classification ==’5′)
    $stars = str_replace(‘5′,'<i class=”fa fa-star”></i><i class=”fa fa-star”></i><i class=”fa fa-star”></i><i class=”fa fa-star”></i><i class=”fa fa-star”></i>’,$classification);
    elseif($classification ==’4′)
    $stars = str_replace(‘4′,'<i class=”fa fa-star”></i><i class=”fa fa-star”></i><i class=”fa fa-star”></i><i class=”fa fa-star”></i>’,$classification);
    elseif($classification ==’3′)
    $stars = str_replace(‘3′,'<i class=”fa fa-star”></i><i class=”fa fa-star”></i><i class=”fa fa-star”></i>’,$classification);
    elseif($classification ==’2′)
    $stars = str_replace(‘2′,'<i class=”fa fa-star”></i><i class=”fa fa-star”>’,$classification);
    $stars = str_replace(‘1′,'<i class=”fa fa-star”></i>’,$classification);
    return $stars;

    What would be the XXX_HOOK?

    Admin credentials follow as a private reply.

    Best, Markus

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