alaa alia
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wow no you dont answer me that button should be already in the code and you say why i am so negative
any news on the whoop update
how is the file not updated in the plugin
are you gonna end me the file
i dont have ftp access on digital ocean can you upload somewhere with instruction i can ssh to server
also can you tell me why i dont have the button create list i cant find a way to add it
like the one you have on example screenjust to let you know another thing been happening since day one you said solution ssl and i did still location has issue every 2 hours to get my right location i have to clear location in windows and my browser and delete loction saved in browser and clear cache in gd booster then i get my location back right i been suffering from all this since day 1 go back to my messages. somewrong in gd booster handling cache with geo location . i gave you my advice
I am going to give you my advice the issue related to booster a conflict between booster and geo location everyonce it happens unless i clear cache in gd booster then works again then start doing it again .
the whole purpose of your software geolocation turn it off bye bye thanks it was waist of time and money on servers i am done
listen to what i said i accept geolocated and i waited for whole process to finish then tried to register and it does that. cant you read what i said man forget it good bye i am done
This reply has been marked as you dont answer anymore well i can tell you i tried everything for this period and too many issues software not stable i am done good luck
This reply has been marked as private.this issue happens after I accept locate me I tried it 100 times
may be you because you are not in same place where I am -