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  • Alphonso
    Post count: 297

    “Before Event end data 12 midnight the event is upcoming
    After midnight of end date the event is past.”

    We might be on the correct path with your above statement. Add that to the clue Guust mentioned about the CRON JOB in his above reply.

    Here’s my thinking on this:
    LEt’s split the Event Logically into 2 Parts:
    Part 1 – Day 1: Event Time Oct 24th: 7:30PM – 11:59PM (4.5 hrs)
    Part 2 – Day 2: Event Time Oct 25th: 12:01AM – 1:00AM (1 hr)

    The Event is in ‘Upcoming’. All good!

    The Event is in ‘Past’ only for Part 1 time (4.5 hrs)
    BUT The Event is also ‘Upcoming’ for Part 2 time (1 hr)
    That is why AFTER MIDNIGHT the Event is in BOTH Statues….both in the ‘Past’ AND ALSO in ‘Upcoming’. As shown in my screenshot below:

    The Part 2 – Day 2 status of ‘Upcoming’ only get updated to ‘Past’ AFTER MIDNIGHT Of 25th(After CRON JOB Runs)…So for 23 hrs this Part 2 – Day 2 is in a Incorrect Status….Just because there is no other CRON JOB running…

    Please review the above analysis and provide your thoughts. Thanks.

    Post count: 297

    I see exactly what you are saying…
    Guust Scenario: The scenario you are describing is how the GD Events system IS CURRENTLY WORKING:
    “If you add an event with more than one date [eg 24 and 25 october]
    then you automatically have more than one event [eg you will have an event on both dates you entered]
    Next you told the system the time of EACH event is from 7.30pm to 1am.
    So now you have 2 events starting at 7.30pm on both 24 and 25 october.”

    ALphonso Scenario: The scenario I am describing is how the GD Events system SHOULD BE WORKING ideally…Exactly like FB Create Event!
    Let’s Keep this simple… Just create an Facebook Event like I created below:
    If you notice I am entering the exact same 4 Fields:
    Start Date
    Start Time
    End Date
    End Time

    If you notice carefully for the same 4 fields entered:
    The FB Event is NOT creating “2 events starting at 7.30pm on both dates”
    But unfortunately the GD Event is!

    Please see if my analysis makes sense. Let me know. Thanks.

    Post count: 297

    Thanks Alex…Cleared the cache…This is working perfectly now! 🙂

    Post count: 297

    Hi Alex,
    Unfortunately this looks like a bug that might need further investigation…
    An Event has a definite Begin Time & End Time.
    Currently these Events(“Events expire at the end of the day”) are both in the ‘Past’ AND ALSO in ‘Upcoming’, which logically or practically on the website does not make sense.

    All I looking for logically & practically is:
    Before Event End time 1:00AM – The Event should be ‘Upcoming’
    After Event End time 1:00AM – The Event should be ‘Past’

    Please let me know if there is a flaw in my analysis. Thanks.

    Post count: 297
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    Post count: 297

    Hi Alex,
    For FB Event: Lucha Libre:

    I created the follwing 4 test case scenario Events:
    Lucha Libre – Social Imported – FEATURED
    Lucha Libre – Social Imported – Non-Featured Regular
    Lucha Libre – Manually Entered – FEATURED
    Lucha Libre – Manually Entered – Non-Featured Regular

    It’s already past 1:00AM Local Time on WordPress. See below:

    Unfortunately all 4 events are still visible in the UPCOMING Listing:

    Sending WP Admin details in next post.
    Please advise. Thanks!

    in reply to: Custom Field keeps changing value #402458

    Post count: 297
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    Post count: 297

    Ignore this ticket…It finally worked after a 3 hour delay!
    Must be some delay in Paypal Sandbox or something…

    in reply to: Multi Select Search Bar Option available? #402402

    Post count: 297

    For example in mycase it is a Custom field – Dance Style

    When a user goes to the Listing page it will show ALL Events(with ALL Dance Styles)
    In the Search bar itself The user should be able to pick just 4-5 Dance Styles of their interest (Out of a list of 20+)

    Post count: 297

    “It may show in other areas because it is featured, though.”
    – True! This could be a possible reason.

    “But it should not show in Upcoming events.”
    – Unfortunately it is!

    “Instead of ‘correct Event END TIME’, quoting you above, I think you mean Event Listing Package End Date. Is that right?”
    – No. It does NOT matter what the Event Listing Package End Date is. I only care for the Event END TIME. After Event END TIME has passed the Event should not show up in the Upcoming events list.

    No issue with Social Importer for this scenario specifically …just the “it should not show in Upcoming events.”

    Ok. Let me replicate with 2 similiar events – Different Title, Same Date & Time:
    1. Manually Created Event
    2. Social Importer Created Event

    I’ll update you once done. Thanks!

    in reply to: Multi Select Search Bar Option available? #402389

    Post count: 297

    Hi Alex,
    In the most ideal case would be like below: (enter City: Los Angeles)

    Below are OPTION 1 and OPTION 2:

    OPTION 1: is best for Usability, Asthetics and Simplicity. Nice Clean interface for the user to tap search everything on the same Search Bar
    OPTION 2: Becomes an issue where there are 8-10 Multi-Select options (Unfortunately In my case I’m looking at approx. 20 options for a Select Type)

    If OPTION 1 is possible in GD V2 – Great! 🙂
    IF OPTION 1 is Not possible then if you can point me how to Configure OPTION 2 in GD would be appreciated.

    Post count: 297

    Ok. I understand what you are saying about the Social Importer functionality.
    So is it safe to say that this is Bug in this Functionality?

    My explanation is as below:
    Because if the Social Importer functionality is splitting up the event into two events, it is doing it incorrectly at the incorrect time intervals.
    Please check if my analysis above makes sense.

    Which brings me back to my original issue… How do I make it display as in the ‘Past’ at the correct Event END TIME?

    Post count: 297

    Hi Guust,
    Sorry I didn’t understand your explanation.
    I only have 1 Event Listing. I sorted the Event Listings by Title

    It is a single Event that lasts for approx. 6 hours only

    I imported it via Social Importer from FB.
    So if someone creates a similiar event like below on FB, it might span over 2 DATES But it is only 1 event that last 6 hours

    Please can you check again. Thanks!

    Post count: 297
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    Post count: 297

    Alex…Thanks for the info!
    Here is a Scenario example:
    1. The Event Date is on Oct 26th
    2. The Event Organizer suddenly wakes up today Oct 23rd and decides that he wants to Add a 7 day Price Package to Promote his Event( It expires on Oct 30th)
    3. The Event promotion is successful and the Event Organizer does not come back to the website….until the next time. 🙂
    4. My issue…On Oct 27th.. The Event is still displayed on my Website as Featured till Oct 30th.
    5. This is incorrect/old information to other users of the website. I want to make sure that all events displayed are current and that Old Event is displayed in the ‘Past’ after Event End Date – Oct 26th.

    You are correct! The Event DATE itself has Expired (It’s in the past). The Event Listing END DATE is still in the Future & still Active.
    Unfortunately the Settings update did NOT work.The listing is still visible. Following are my settings:
    Please advise.

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