Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari

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  • in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #522255

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    13. I had added the Franchises tab and it shows all the franchises for that company under it. But when there are no franchise, I’d like to hide this tab. How can I do that?


    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #522252

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Well, I’d like to put some here:

    1. How can I set a discount code applicable to only specific category?
    2. Is it possible to NOT to set any city as default city? I don’t want location/city field in Add Listing form to be pre-populated.
    3. Is it possible to automatically pre-populate the city field according to the visitor’s IP address instead a default city?
    4. How to move existing listing to a parent listing as its franchisee with franchise manager? (E.g. in cases when parent co. (franchisor) submits listing after its franchisees were already on my directory).
    5. What’s the difference between “GD List Save” and “Add to Favorite” feature?
    6. Any possibility to allow to input details in Add Listing form before asking for login credentials. (A new user may be prompted to signup once she tries to submit the form).
    7. What is the /location page for? Do I need to link it in my menu for my visitors to visit it? Am I free to change its slug & title?
    8. Conflicting logins when using multiple social networks. Once a user creates her account by providing her email and password and then on a subsequent visit uses some social network credential like Facebook or Twitter to sign in, she is declined!
    9. Slow email alerts for account creation, payment etc. notification. It takes several hours or even a day to get these email alerts in my account. Users also get delayed email for signup confirmation. Is this related to script or my host?
    10. I’ve set the “Logo” feature in listing to paid listings only. But in search result snippets, every listing’s first photo from image gallery is displayed as logo. So what’s so exclusive about this logo feature? (I’m not showcasing a logo in right sidebar).
    11. Is it possible to automatically take a daily backup of my database or do I need some plugin for setting up cron jobs? If so, which one do you recommend?
    12. Similarly, is there a feature or plugin for popup notification for website cookie usage permission acceptance compliance?


    Q. 5 is perhaps related to Supreme Directory theme. I’ve now switched to GDF Modern and I don’t see any “Add to favorite” feature pre-built into this theme.

    I’ve 2-3 other issues including recaptcha, invoicing address etc. But I’m still trying to figure out these at my end. In case I need help, I may start a new thread for that. Thnx!

    in reply to: Can one CPT be a subset of the other? #522105

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Thanks for your advice! I’ll seek some CSS help from someone later.

    in reply to: Adding logo to header in GDF Modern theme #522104

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Great @Kor, that worked!
    Actually, I got it confused with Apple device Favicon option in GDF OPtions (Redux Framework).

    Regarding logo, I have reduced its size by about 5 times by now. So it’s fitting well into my mobile screen and I’m okay with the desktop look too (though I’d have preferred it a bit bigger). But this made me skeptical of how it would be looking on different screen sizes. If you want to check on your device, here’s the link:

    If it’s working well, I’d like to come to this issue once my website is launched and gets some traction.

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Adding logo to header in GDF Modern theme #521955

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Hmm… that will be good!
    And what about favicon image? Frankly, I didn’t try to convert it to jpeg when converting the logo image from png to jpeg didn’t work for me. Are you sure it’s not working because of my png format and it will work for jpeg? (I did create the exact size of 129x129px as specified for it). I’ll come to this later.

    in reply to: Can one CPT be a subset of the other? #521954

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Oh, I see!
    I can understand that we can’t add another search bar under the default one, so I created a new page for putting another search bar there. I’m okay if I can display the Category selection box in the Search bar. But the problem with settings at GD > Settings > Search tab > Show Advanced > Show search suggestions with > “Listings and Categories” or “Categories only” is that I get the same Search bar at every other place too. I don’t want to use more than 2 search boxes in a Search bar at other places. But there is no such widget, I think!

    Thanks for the information!

    in reply to: Adding logo to header in GDF Modern theme #521880

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Converted my png file to jpeg but that too didn’t work. For now, I have reduced the size of the logo to fit on my mobile screen and apparently it’s fine on at least my mobile screen. But on desktop screen, it’s now half its earlier size. If there is any optimum size for making it compatible with all device and browsing environments, I’d like to adhere to it.

    in reply to: Can one CPT be a subset of the other? #521868

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    That is really strange! You mean, one can’t search listings in any specific category like one do in a specified default location! I hope, I misunderstood this!

    1. As told, I’ve created a new page for this category and linked it in my primary menu. On the new page, I’ve used GD Map widget to define a directory map with search filter and also category filter that is set to pre-tick the checkbox for this default category. Here when I use to display category filter along with search filter, title search results give listings from that default category only. I guess, this will do the job for me as of now.
    Can’t I use the code for this search box in other places than just this map?

    2. Unfortunately when I don’t use the category filter and only use search filter, it does not search in the default ticked category. Since I have many categories, the vertical category list on right of the map makes it a bit difficult to scroll up on a mobile device. So I was thinking to not to display it if only search box can do the job.

    in reply to: Can one CPT be a subset of the other? #521761

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    I see.
    So I have decided to create a new category instead (for CPT-B) in CPT-A itself and put that category in my Primary Menu for ease of access.

    Is it possible to create a Search element to search for businesses in various locations exclusively in this category? I’ll like to put another search bar below the default one that provides search exclusively for this category as default.

    What shortcode should I put for such a Search bar?

    Many thanks!

    in reply to: Adding logo to header in GDF Modern theme #521719

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    By the way, what’s the best format to upload a logo image to go with a responsive theme? I uploaded a PNG image for logo as well as site favicon but I don’t see it go well on a mobile screen.

    in reply to: Adding logo to header in GDF Modern theme #521712

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Oh my bad, how I missed that notification in Settings area asking me for installing this plugin!

    Installed and I’m amazed to see several options now. I think, I’ll use the options provided in GDF Options to upload my logo.

    Thanks a ton!

    in reply to: Adding logo to header in GDF Modern theme #521700

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Ah, didn’t know that! I did install the geodirectory_framework- but never heard of Redux Framework before. Lemme search and install it and see. I’ll get back to you after that.

    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #521486

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54


    I’m still figuring out several settings for various features. I may soon need to put a bunch of questions to you guys. But I’m wondering how your support works. Is it okay to post all my questions in one single post here or do I need to start different threads in respective forums?

    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #520676

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Hmm, I’d be happy to get it done perfectly! The listing period is for 1 year and free trial was for 30 days.

    At the moment, I’m still working on some other things to set this directory up and I see some other issues too. Gimme a couple of days, I’ll make a list of all and then will share my WP credentials to see what best you can do for me.

    Thanks a ton for your gesture!

    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #520410

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Well, it somewhat got solved.

    I unchecked a 30-day free trial for my package pricing and it did the job.
    When I had checked the trial offer, the payment cart while adding a new listing showed the price of the package in the cart. However, it showed the Total first bill as 0. So it was okay as customer will be charged after the trial period of 30 days and is aware of how much he will need to pay.

    But when updating a free listing to the paid package, customer isn’t directed to any pay cart. I wonder how the customer will be charged after the 30 day trial period is over!

    For now, I’ve unchecked the trial offer and everything is working smoothly.

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