Delek Smythe
Forum Replies Created
That was pulled from the front page..
I’ve got W3TC running with it now, took a little bit of doing but seems to play ok.
Well this may be a deal breaker for me, if I’m not able to make the rest of my website performant, and have extraneous scripts loading that really shouldn’t be on the rest of the site.
I do understand that there are complications that can arise with things.
And I do understand that $_SESSIONS needs to run for logins etc.. But why are all of the CSS scripts not conditional, at the very least?
It seems a bit odd that your plugin doesn’t play well with WP common practice methods. And the booster addon’s caching cannot be turned off I take it?
Not sure what you expect people to do, serve the directory on a separate instance, buffered from the rest of their sites?
Is there a way to just get these scripts cleaned up in an efficient matter without derailing the rest of the site? Or is this written primarily for those that don’t have anything other than a directory on their site?
Granted, my assessment may not be completely accurate, as I am not a coding guru and work more on the design end of things. However, I can see what takes time to load on my site, and GD sucks up the most by far, even on pages where it is not used one bit..
<link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’geodirectory-frontend-style-css’ href=”″ type=’text/css’ media=’all’ />
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var default_location = ‘Bali’;
var latlng;
var Sgeocoder;
var address;
var dist = 0;
var Sgeocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();function geodir_setup_submit_search(){
var s = ‘ ‘;var $form = jQuery(this).closest(‘form’);
if(jQuery(“#sdist input[type=’radio’]:checked”).length != 0)
dist = jQuery(“#sdist input[type=’radio’]:checked”).val();if(jQuery(‘.search_text’,$form).val() == ” || jQuery(‘.search_text’,$form ).val() == ‘Search for’)
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{ geodir_setsearch($form); }
jQuery(“.snear”,$form ).val(”);
function geodir_setsearch($form)
{ if( ( dist > 0 || (jQuery(‘select[name=”sort_by”]’,$form).val() == ‘nearest’ || jQuery(‘select[name=”sort_by”]’,$form).val() == ‘farthest’)) && (jQuery(“.snear”,$form).val() == ” || jQuery(“.snear”,$form).val() == ‘Near’ ) )
}function updateSearchPosition(latLng,$form) {
jQuery($form).submit(); // submit form after insering the lat long positions
}function geocodeAddress($form) {
Sgeocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); // Call the geocode functionif(jQuery(‘.snear’,$form).val() == ” || ( jQuery(‘.sgeo_lat’).val()!=” && jQuery(‘.sgeo_lon’).val()!=” ) || jQuery(‘.snear’,$form).val().match(“^In:”)){
}else{var address = jQuery(“.snear”,$form).val();
if(jQuery(‘.snear’,$form).val() == ‘Near’){
}else{Sgeocoder.geocode( { ‘address’: address },
function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
} else {
alert(“Search was not successful for the following reason:” + status);
}function initialise2() {
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(56.494343,-4.205446);
var myOptions = {
zoom: 4,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN,
disableDefaultUI: true
}function doGeolocation() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(positionSuccess, positionError);
} else {
}function positionError(err) {
var msg;
switch(err.code) {
msg = “Unable to find your location”;
msg = “Permission denied in finding your location”;
msg = “Your location is currently unknown”;
case err.BREAK:
msg = “Attempt to find location took too long”;
msg = “Location detection not supported in browser”;
}function positionSuccess(position) {
var coords = position.coords || position.coordinate || position;
<script type=”text/rocketscript” data-rocketsrc=”″></script>
Thanks for responding Steofan,
So I get this right..
You’re saying that the scripts loading on my front page etc.. need to be loaded on the rest of my pages for some reason? There are, give or take, 28 scripts that are being loaded individually. I am not understanding why they aren’t loaded only on the pages where geodir is used? That is a ton of requests and considerably slow down the rest of the site..
And thus, if I were to use GD Booster I cannot use another caching or minifying plugin for my other pages?
Am I getting what you’re saying right? Or do you have fairly solid instructions that I can use to allow them to coexist?
Sorry for the long wait. I have figured the CSS out, thank you for the offer of support on that. I have also figured the map.js styles as well.Now on to another issue, which is performance. I am getting an average load time of 1.7 sec for Geodirectory. While I realize it is a large plugin is this a normal load time?
I see that you have a performance plugin and am wondering what to expect by adding that on?
Can you give me a comparison to using W3TC for caching and minifying? And are they compatible with each other?
My main issue is that Geodirectory seems to be loading all (css & js) scripts on all pages, not just the ones using it. I am wondering why they are not conditionally enqueued?
Thank you again for your diligence!
DelekAll plugins disabled, all custom css disabled, loader disabled, problem still persists. Definitely odd, as a designer I consider myself to be pretty proficient in css as well, thus the thought that a jquery call (I realize you are using toggleclass as it is) would overcome this easily.
Not to be an ass, however it was I who had provided the medial display:none solution in the first place, though not properly targeted for the sidebar.. 😛
I have since rectified that.While I have you here, I have two questions:
– Can you easily point me to where I can turn on POIs?
– is there a way to use the Google Places API for searches?
Fyi: it has nothing to do with the loading screen. I have disabled it, and it still persists.
Is there a reason why you don’t just use a Jquery call such as:
$(‘body > :not(#myDiv)’).hide();
$(‘#myDiv’).appendTo(‘body’);It would seem a straightforward way to ensure this from not happening to others that have similar issues?
Do let me know if this approach seems acceptable and where to input such a call if you find it a viable fix for this bug.
I am in the process of vetting your plugin for use on this site. Including premium add-ons/subscription. I don’t mind paying for things that are well thought out, and appreciate your team offering the main plugin for free.
However, if “but it would take too long to get to the bottom of it” is the response I am getting for what seems like a reasonably easy to fix bug, I have a hard time trusting that you are committed to clean efficient coding, and taking care of future issues that might arise.
Not to diminish what you have created here, but I find your response, well, less than appealing..
On what call is transform: translateZ(0px); ?
So is this error is an isolated incident and not widespread then?
It seems odd that the sidebar and bottom elements are floating on top as well.
I find it hard to believe I am the only one experiencing this issue with your coding..
Yes, z-index and position is the culprit, however I have tried and tried to resolve it, thus the display:none hack. The nav bar is the least of my concerns as my display:none hack does not effect the sidebar fullscreen map from showing. I don’t however understand why the sidebar is showing up on top, I assume this is not the way it is supposed to be?
I have disabled the minification so you can clearly see what is going on.
I have tried and tried changing z-index on .map-fullscreen and manipulating the topnav and sidebar elements without good results.
Hi Stiofan, you’re absolutely right, I failed to recall writing that bit of CSS a little while back, my apologies.
However, the reason I had initially wrote that bit was because the header and the sidebar were floating on top of the full page map. That was my simple solution, however now it seems to be a conflict.
The header calls I can leave in without issue, however at least the .body_fullscreen .geodir-sidebar-right call is a definite conflict.. I have taken the full line of code out, in order to show you what is happening there..
Please follow this link and click to full screen, you will see that the sidebar and header elements are over the map.. thing: