Forum Replies Created
June 29, 2018 at 9:50 am in reply to: Show login form when guest users click on "send enquiry" in listing detail page #436575
Hi Alex,
no answer?
June 27, 2018 at 12:51 pm in reply to: Show login form when guest users click on "send enquiry" in listing detail page #436346No hook available? Should be in GDv2 if you don’t have one…
your estimation is not correct. You will have a free credit of $200 which gives you 40.000 free calls to the api (in this case). You can check with your old API key (project in google dev console) what you have now and in the past to estimate your upcoming monthly costs.
Sure, you can echo the following function. See codex for information:
In WP you can embed videos with echo the link of the video in one content area line. The rest is done by WP.
Hi Ursula,
I had a project where I setup GD with Toolset. I used GD places for business entries and toolset for products. I used a 1-many relation between places and these products. For the frontend I used toolset views plugin to design the representation (in this case the single product pages and also a grid). I integrated the grid into a GD tab of the business and also a link back from the products (toolset) to the business (GD).
I had no compatibility issues between the two plugins.
With this knowledge what would I do today:
I would choose one of them for my main plugin-set as most of the features can be achived with both sets.
Both plugins have advantages and also disadvantages. The advantage of toolset is that you can do most things without any code change or you can integrate code snippets to the views. With GD (v1) you have to use hooks for the customization. With GD you are getting a specialized plugin for geo-located directories.
It depends on what exactly you like to achive. I would not do a too coupled integration as this is always work if updates are coming.Your question about taxonomies. What I saw, but never checked, is that you can extend the GD place CPT with a taxonomie of toolset. But this taxonomie will not be known by GD so you have to do all the echo part by your own. I would not do it.
DirkDoes not look like I’m getting support with the location issues here. Sad.
Also simple:
For the map bubble you have with add_filter the $postinfo_obj. With print_r you will get what’s inside.
This is not what you will have in case of the add_action. But at least you will have a global variable called $post (global $post) to get what you want.
Also geodirectory has an API where you can get such kind of variables. Look into the code or into the codex:
https://wpgeodirectory.com/codex/codex/BTW: WP and it’s concepts are simple and designed for customizations. GD is a plugin for WP and follows these concepts.
DirkAs Alex wrote you can use the code snippets plugin and you are safe with updates (of the plugins and themes).
Your second question: The “30” in the function call is the priority or here the order. There are different actions added to the hook and they are executed in priority order. With the priority “30” it is where the image slider is located.
I think you should get more familiar with WordPress and then the implementation is very easy.
Install the mentioned plugin and add a snippet like:
remove_action ( 'geodir_details_main_content', 'geodir_action_details_slider', 30 ); add_action ('geodir_details_main_content', 'my_function', 30); function my_function () { echo '<h1>Hello World</h1>'; }
If you don’t like to implement yourself, there are some experts to hire (look at the sidebar here).
@alex: Will you inform Stiofan about the missing doc?
This is simple:
remove_action ( 'geodir_details_main_content', 'geodir_action_details_slider', 30 );
will remove the existing image slider. You can add here the action with something from your own or the content of the video tab.
Map Bubble:
/** * Filter to change infowindow html * * You can use this filter to change infowindow html. * * @since 1.0.0 * @package GeoDirectory * @param string $html Infowindow html. * @param object $postinfo_obj The Post object. * @param bool|string $post_preview Is this a post preview? */ $html = apply_filters('geodir_custom_infowindow_html', $html, $postinfo_obj, $post_preview);
@stiofan: The filter and the action is not in the codex.
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Thanks. In my case I have already emptied the database entry and it is completely removing the tracking codes. Was just wondering why after disable the “new” system that there is still something generated.
this is due to line 264 in geodir_template_tags.php.
The first if statement is with what is on the actual option page (GD-General-Google-Analytics). But the bad thing is in the elseif statement. You are pulling from geodir_ga_tracking_code out of the database.
No need for you to get WP admin access here.
DirkI have emptied the option in the database and now the js file and the tracking code is not generated anymore.
Is this a leftover of an older version? If so, you have to ensure that this is deleted as I was sure that I disabled google analytics in GD but it was generating something hidden for me.Dirk