Benjamin Schmitz

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  • in reply to: Disabling GeoLocation on certain pages? #367952

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Yes, I’m aware of the options in Advanced Search. However, while we do want users to be geolocated on most of the pages, links to articles and forums we share on social media should take users to the link location without redirecting or asking for geolocation.

    Thanks for the answer!

    in reply to: GD Location Switcher – hiding cities #352410

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Thanks Stiofan!

    in reply to: GD Location Switcher – hiding cities #351294

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Location switcher on mobile menu #351169

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Thanks Guust

    in reply to: Location switcher on mobile menu #347792

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59
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    in reply to: Share Buttons on listing pages? #342594

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Hi Guust,

    I’m talking about share buttons, not “like” buttons. Those are two different features.
    A good example of sharing buttons would be on your supreme directory demo.
    The icons at the top section – facebook, twitter,google – below “heart” icon.

    in reply to: Removing "No listings found" message #342014

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Kor Chung,
    That worked perfectly. Tested it both for the places and the events. Thanks you!!

    in reply to: Default Blog template for CPT #341421

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Thanks man, didn’t realize I need to customize listing-listview.php.
    All done, working great. Thanks.

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Worked perfectly.
    Didn’t know there is a shortcode available for add listing.

    in reply to: Location switcher slow response time – need assistance #331863

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    It looks fine now. One question about the categories on location page. You have marked all the categories except one to not being visible on the map.

    So in most cases, when the location page is loaded, there are only a few listings because of the map selection. However, when I tick to show another category, all I get are the pins on the map. The list of listings below the map is not refreshed/synced with that action.

    Can something be done about it? So it refreshes based on the selected categories in the map?

    This way, I don’t see any option to browse listings from the current region.


    in reply to: Location switcher slow response time – need assistance #329796

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Location switcher slow response time – need assistance #329795

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Thanks for the fonts! Thought it was caching or something. Location switcher in the main menu, scrolling through the city tab works, but for the region it doesn’t. You can only see the first 5 regions and have to type in if you want to see Texas for example.

    in reply to: Location switcher slow response time – need assistance #329781

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Also, the scroll on the location switch doesn’t work on most pages.

    in reply to: Location switcher slow response time – need assistance #329761

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    Thanks, I will give it a try. However, I do see that the CSS is broken now.. At least the fonts.. Can you please check on that? Thanks

    in reply to: Location switcher slow response time – need assistance #329617

    Benjamin Schmitz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 59

    A few more things on SQL queries – There are a few slow queries on each action regarding search and locations. For example, the query for switching location

    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS PREFIXposts.*, PREFIXgeodir_gd_place_detail.*
    FROM PREFIXposts 
    INNER JOIN PREFIXgeodir_gd_place_detail
    ON (PREFIXgeodir_gd_place_detail.post_id = PREFIXposts.ID) 
    WHERE 1=1 
    AND ( PREFIXposts.post_status = 'publish' 
    OR PREFIXposts.post_status = 'private' )
    AND PREFIXposts.post_type = 'gd_place'
    AND post_locations LIKE '%,[california],%' 
    ORDER BY PREFIXposts.post_date DESC, PREFIXposts.post_title ASC 
    LIMIT 0, 5

    which takes 0.6747sec to be executed and it’s considered slow. Could it be due to a usage LIKE query? Just for fun, I changed the query and used FULLTEXT search on this query and the query took 0.0002sec with the same results. That’s XXX times faster.

    LIKE with wildcarding on the left side (IE: LIKE ‘%Search’) can not use an index (assuming one exists for the column), guaranteeing a table scan. LIKE ‘%Search’ and LIKE ‘%Search%’ can not use an index; LIKE ‘Search%’ can use an index as far as I know.

    For location switcher, regions and cities are strictly defined values, right? Maybe I’m wrong about this, but why use LIKE if we know where and what to look for? Hope that makes some sort of sense..

    For the advanced search.. The database get’s clogged just by typing in the search term. Disabling autocompleter definitely have an impact on performance in good a good way, but as I said above, ‘%Search%’ will always guarantee a full table scan, while ‘Search%’ can use an index.

    But still, the fact that the query takes forever with autocompleter enabled, indicates there’s something wrong with it..


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