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  • in reply to: Should We Use an SEO Plugin? #11714

    Expired Member
    Post count: 10

    Hi Manish,

    In response to your last remark:
    It’s ok if page A contains a few listings that also can be found on page B, as page A and B function as an overview page that contains links to the individual listings. Google understands it’s an overview page. Ebay, YellowPages, etc have it the same way.

    If both overview pages contain exactly the same listings, than it doesn’t make sense to offer these 2 pages to Google nor the user and de-indexing one would make sense.

    Having e.g. 2 detail pages about the same business that contain exactly the same content would cause duplicate issues.

    I guess you have more locations than just Jaipur. This would mean that jaipur/hotels and places/hotels don’t contain the same listings (whereas places/hotels contains all hotels and jaipur/hotels only those for Jaipur).

    Tip: check your Google Webmaster Tools and run a free scan from ISS SEO tookit (from Microsoft)

    in reply to: Should We Use an SEO Plugin? #11657

    Expired Member
    Post count: 10

    love you all – worked like a charm

    in reply to: Should We Use an SEO Plugin? #10500

    Expired Member
    Post count: 10

    Free version should do. I tried to make it work and countered a thread that might be the right way to go, but my programming skills are too low to make it work. Maybe someone else over here could have a quick look at it:

    Code from thread:

    I think some code has to be added in functions.php that sets the fields like city, region, country from the table geodir_post_locations as a variable to be used by the SEO plugin (e.g. %%city%%).

    The SEO strength of GD is very high compared to competitors as the categories are offered on a location level e.g. accountants in New York. SEO-wise, the title is one of the strongest on-page assets and not being able to modify that would make it:
    1. useless
    2. generate loads of duplicate page titles & descriptions (as location is not included to differentiate between the different locations)

    in reply to: Should We Use an SEO Plugin? #10200

    Expired Member
    Post count: 10

    one question: using SEO for WordPress (yoast), how do I include the city name in the listings title? I tried 100 different things but nothing worked.
    I did manage to get the category name in the title by using %%ct_gd_placecategory%%

    in reply to: translation + #9178

    Expired Member
    Post count: 10

    that would be great. I have some other translation issues where the text string is translated but not being displayed (e.g. the thank you text after a listing is submitted)

    in reply to: translation + #9176

    Expired Member
    Post count: 10

    I checked and I have been translating files from the theme, core plugin and additionals plugins. Most things got translated, but not the ones I indicated.

    As a test, I would like to know where I can find e.g. the textstring “Lowest Reviews” as I have been searching a lot but can’t find it anywhere. I looked in translation files, wp backend etc. And I don’t want to change it in the php file as it will be overwritten and I have a multi-site setup for several languages.


    in reply to: Custom Fields > HTML outputs regular text #9082

    Expired Member
    Post count: 10

    hi Paolo,

    It’s still not working correctly. Bullet points work now, but any line breaks are not. I tested it for Places & Events.

    I went into the source code and it does set the p-tags in the editing mode. But once you move into preview mode, it removes those p-tags.

    HTML in Editing mode


    HTML in Preview/live mode


    Note: I updated both the GeoDirectory Theme + Plugin. I work locally: restarted the server and logged out and in again.

    Please provide a working update.


    p.s.:translations don’t work for the page that comes after a user submitted their listing (where it says: Thank you, your information has been successfully received) – but that should maybe be reported somewhere else

    in reply to: Custom Fields > HTML outputs regular text #8945

    Expired Member
    Post count: 10

    hi Paolo,

    Glad I could spot it and looking forward to the fix.


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