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Did as you instructed and it works. The forgot password option now appears.
This reply has been marked as private.Many thanks. It worked!
Stiofan wrote:
It looks like a bug, you can fix now by replacing this file in core:
Could you please be specific as to which core file this refers to?Is it for example ”general_functions.php” or geodirectory.php or another file?
Should the code be INSERTED into the file or should this file completely replace the existing general_functions.php file in Geodirectory plugin folder?
Sorry but It’s not totally clear to me.
I would prefer to use the GD-Login.
It simply didn’t work on my site and I couldn’t work out why so I had to find a solution which was the redirect to buddypress.Thanks for looking at it
The VAT reference worked from France. I’ve just completed the subscription or renewal..not sure which it was at the end but it went through ok. My account is still showing expiry as 12 of April 2016. I’ll check later to see if it has changed.
Thanks for sorting it out.
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hello Guust
Thanks very much for the modification and answers.The ipad issue is a mystery as the site has a problem with this.
I’ll await a reply from Paolo for the issue regarding Events calendar. Nothing I have tried re links have worked. Clicking on a date always takes us back to the English pages which is confusing to says the least as this doesn’t happen with other elements.
Thanks again
CFThis reply has been marked as private.Hi,
As this suject is marked resolved, I’ll transfer the questions elsewhere without question 2 which for some reason seems to be working again.This reply has been marked as private.Hello Gusst
Just to say thanks for the code.
My first attempts haven’t worked but I will keep trying and leave a msg when it works.