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Hi Guust,
for “terrible” and the other texts we always talk about the VALUES (in this case of the rating stars). I know how to translate the custom fields. But translation in all given ways – inkluding GD Tools – was always for the LABELS and field descriptions only.
I did not find a way for the labels.
Remember – not the translation is the problem. The goal is to have both languages.
Guess thats not so easy…Cheers, Chris
two more things regarding the multi-rating:
– the rating-sort drop down is missing it’s arrows
– is there any way to translate the settings of GD Admin, e.g. terrible to excellent?Of course I could use german rates at the settings, but for multi-language sites – how to?
The same I found at custom fields and drop down items. The settings are not at the .po file, also not in the created file using GD Tools.
Example: {optgroup}Please select|no Star/no Star, 1 Star/★, 1 Star S/★ S{/optgroup}Cheers, Chris
A thousand times better for our visitors. I suggest to implement that at standard.
Thank you!
Thanks, Paolo!
I truly understand that map. The switches on the map are not user friendly. They must be found.
A link would be that easy and not effect the load.
You have simple 2 extra start pages (GD-Home), nothing more. 2 templates with one different setting in the widget (start post type), thats all.If the widget would be able to connect to the CPT and show in relation to the CPT then it would be better, but it doesnt.
The same is for the widget popular post category. It works perfect for the start post type. Switching to another psot type on the map, the map changes. Categories still shown from the post type before –> not good at all (you see a map of hotels with categories of sporting instead of hotels).
The widget counts correct entries for the categories. ONLY on standard page. If you switch to listings, it counts different. In addition this brings trouble to the visitors. They see a listing for lets say alabama which should show 35 entries. Map shows 15 – related to the listing. Category counter shows 75 (the summary of the whole world).
How should any visitor understand that?
Next problem with category switch and counter is, that when startet vom GD-Home it tells 20 entries (correct). We switch to a view for a country – entries would be 18. Listing shows first page 10 from 18. Map shows 18. Category counter shows 1. Sorry, but that makes no sense…“Default post type to use (if not set by page)” seems not to work.
All that would be not present by using a GD-Home per CPT. On that view all settings are correct.
And understandable vor all visitors.Regarding Screen 3 its from your samples. It shows simple that a listing does not have the same information like the starting page with map. You see 2 infos instead of hundrets.
I am sorry to bother you with that facts. I truly hope for a solution in future and give up for now.
Cheers, Chris
Hi Paolo,
i saw those. What I am missing is: Customize my search – button:
Cheers, Chris
Hi Paolo,
thanks for explaining – I know that. Makes sense for the listings, of course.
But not for GD-Home, you got me wrong maybe.
I can have it right now for “places”, even for thousands of them. Only the map, no listing, no pagination. GD-Home.
I can switch to CPT x with the given links on the map, again no listing, no pagination. Just another view of the map with CPT x.It must me same for the load of the page to switch on the map or via link. That makes no difference.
The difference is that this function would bring usability to the visitors.GD is strong with tons of features. But really hard to understand at times. Any way to bring more usability to the visitors brings more trust in the system itself.
There is a really big difference between the views:
01: Standard view: GOOD
02: Standard view using javascript: GOOD, but wrong switch method
03: BAD view using link method…You can see the missing info for the visitors in one second.
Cheers, Chris
shame on me. Saw the switch so many times. Was only for design purposes in my mind…sorry.
Thanks for your help.Chris
thanks! Your tool is really amazing and has endless features. Really didnt find it.
Is there a way to have the selector “view” preset on list instead of grid?Cheers, Chris
Hello Guust & Paolo,
looking at your demo i saw that the filter stuff should be yours – please see the pic attached.
Please just let me know WHERE to translate it, thank you.Greetings, Chris
Instruction – seems to got realized here – on how to add a company logo field.
If this is realized, then it would be great to share how to.
At custom field for example I do not find any picture function.Cheers, Chris
Hello Guust,
would be interested in that too. Any chance to get instructions public on how to realize this?
Thanks, Chris
It works perfect using search and region. Shows the hotels of the region and the correct sport clubs (other CPT) from the same region.
In my opinion works all fine, except the location filter.Greetings, Chris
Hi Paolo,
I gave it a test again – I really think that it could work. Sometimes it does. It looks like that the location filter at the widget doesnt work every time…
Regarding this, how does the filter work? Based on ZIP or Region or distance?
This is also not easy to check…My test is actually as follows:
DETAIL PAGE: hotel details are shown – sidebar widget shows CORRECT matching sports (OTHER post type) and shows correct hotels (same POST TYPE). Both shown post types have the same ZIP.
This could be a way to solve it, some minor changes would it make really better:1. Dont show the OWN listed hotel or post type again, the detailed place should be excluded in the widget. Only show the others.
2. If there is no matching listing in this area, just show nothing. Much better than the error code nothing matching…Interesting things when you search:
You search a location – same as for the sample above. Search works perfect, the correct hotels are shown. Distance of hotels are 0.19 and 3.12 kilometers.
If you add the same widget as at the sample above, sports (other post type) are shown without location filter (it is set to work!). Here you see 352, 158, 3.5, 281 kilometers and so on.So the question is why does the same widget work at detail listing and at search listing not?
Solving this, it would work good.
If on top I would be able to set the params of location filter (best would be distance) then it should work as needed.Greetings, Chris
Hi Paolo,
this is very bad news. In fact is that the most important feature of a software like yours.
Crossmarketing is absolutely needed.Wow. Have to think over that and throw away all the work.
Known that I would never have installed it.
Painful info.Greetings, Chris