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I have 3500 listings. Do I need to upload each picture. Also. how do the pictures know what listing to attach themselves to? Do I have to rename each pictures, after downloading the CSV. That seems like it would take a week.
I don’t understand. I have 3500 pictures. So, I just upload pictures, and they
know where to go? It does not make sense. Isn’t there some sort of format?Can you take a look at my CSV file to see if the images
are named correctly.Also, I know how to use FTP, and the location for the images, but
I don’t know what to upload. The URL path from the CSV file?Hi: yes,they are new listings. They have uploaded successfully. Just not the pictures.
So, can you give me a step by step process to do this? Please.
i’ve also attached the screenshot to show you i have uploaded the listings successfully.
Please see attachment. Is this the format for uploading images?
1. I uploaded the CSV file to GD – EXport/Import. It worked fine for the
listings. “no pictures”.2. What format do I upload the pictures? I looked at the “importing pictures”,
but I don’t understand.3. I’ve attached in image. Is this how I upload images?
This reply has been marked as private.So. I did the following and still no good.
1. uploaded the csv file to wp-content/uploads/2015/11
2. each name is unique to the images.
3. I used the CSV file exported from another subdamin with Geodirectory,
and I used Open Office.So, the CSV file is uploaded and still nothing.
I have 761 listings. and 5 pictures to each listing. I have approx. 3500 images.
Do I need to rename each one?Also, do I import the entire CSV file, will it overwrite
my lisitngs already imported.How do the images matchup with the listings already
imported?can you tell me the specific format for uploading images. and how do i know the images will go to the right listings which are already uploaded with Geodirectory import.
1. where do i save it. do i create this file? wp-content/uploads/2014/11
Also, in Setting – Media. There is no “organize my uploads in month and year “available.
This reply has been marked as private.I’ve never done this before. Do you know if there is a video tutorial somewhere? I don’t understand the process.
This reply has been marked as private.Hello again:
Things are good.