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  • in reply to: GD Booster wonks out site when HTTPS is forced. #51305

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Thanks for checking in Stiofan,

    Theme support said it’s all happening because I need to update my theme to the new version. It’s the main theme that needs updating, not the child theme…if that matters. I have my current theme set to auto-update…but apparently that isn’t working as it keeps saying I already have the updated theme even when I try to update manually.

    So next, I do as they suggest to redownload the theme through the dash. But then, of course, that didn’t work as all I got were error messages (You already have this….duh!).

    Next they tell me to replace old theme folder with new theme folder via FTP. SO I research how to do this, download an FTP client, figure out how to create an FTP account with my host, download the theme files, unzip…with errors (UGH!!!).

    I connect via FTP and there are NO host FILES SHOWING!! I can’t replace the old with the new as I can’t manage to figure out how to get the hosted files showing in the FTP client. All I show is an empty folder. So after about 4 hours of dinking, cussing & crying for something that should have taken 2 minutes, I poured a beer and made some angry art which I ended up trashing. So, I haven’t progressed at all…other than aging about 10 years in the last week.

    With a hot cuppa joe and a fresh outlook on life, I’m going at it again and chatting with my host to figure out what the problem is with the FTP. Thanks for the offer to work with the code for me…but it may not help. If I can figure out how to get this #*#X!! theme updated correctly, and if it’s still wonky, then I’ll take you up on that offer. 🙂

    You guys are the best.
    Cheers, Kris

    in reply to: GD Booster wonks out site when HTTPS is forced. #51174

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Thank you for your reply Stiofan,

    But unfortunately no. I get the exact same wonky thing when I place the CSS code in the CSS style editor (without tags).
    Appearance > Edit CSS

    …also the same thing happens if I add it to the Child Theme Quick CSS.

    Sometimes I’m just doomed and confuzzled. Let’s see what else I can bugger up today!

    in reply to: Show only selected price packages in the listing form #51127

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Thank you so much, Guust!
    I value your advice!

    Hmmmm I don’t see how I could do 60 days with the coupon feature. I see I could discount 100% on first payment only (so 30 days free).

    Let me know if I’m not seeing something that I should be seeing! Am I missing an update?

    I also don’t understand how to offer 100% off on all payments for one year as the coupon doesn’t have a end time limit…as it would perpetuate after 1 year. I don’t wish to place a limitation on my packages as it will inconvenience my customers at that point to renew and would offer them an opportunity to not renew.

    I guess I could change my mind and offer 30 days (first payment free) instead of 60 days.
    I was just hoping to have enough ‘beta’ time after I launch to work out any snags should they arise.

    Thanks again.
    I’ll have another homebrew and stew on this a bit.
    Cheers, Kris

    in reply to: GD Booster wonks out site when HTTPS is forced. #51107

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Thanks Paolo,
    I’m 99.9% positive.

    I saved the code in WordPad last night since there is no Save function in the tool (and I kept losing it) & there’s no way to reload it back into the tool.

    I just tried to reload it to my site and the same wonky thing happens.

    I also just entered the same code into a wysiwyg html/css editor, the table looks just fine (see pic).

    I’m still waiting for the Theme Team to chime in, so at this point this evening, I’m gonna walk away, grab a cold homebrew, and make some art. 🙂


    in reply to: GD Booster wonks out site when HTTPS is forced. #51092

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Hi Paolo,

    I created a Code box in the advanced page editor and stuck both the html and css there.
    I added <style> </style> around the CSS part.

    I also tried only adding only the html to the code box and the CSS to the Enfold Child Theme Quick CSS editor (without style tags) and had the same results.

    I searched online and couldn’t find any other suggestions of what to do with it. LOL.

    Thanks for asking.

    in reply to: jpegs don't download & fonts in forms #51090

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Hi Paolo,
    Oh, Ok thanks!! For now, I’ll move them over out of the tabs to the sidebar for awhile.
    Thanks for everything. Sorry to be such a high-maintenance support-hog lately! 🙂

    in reply to: jpegs don't download & fonts in forms #51079

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Hi Stiofan!

    Wasn’t the recent upgrade to 1.5.1 just recently (after or around the 15th?) The reason I ask is that I do have the upgraded version and I’m still having this jpeg issue.

    I apologize if this fix was meant for another upcoming version.
    Just checking as I’m hoping to launch by the 1st.

    Cheers, Kris

    in reply to: Show only selected price packages in the listing form #51076

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Thank you, Paolo & Guust.

    I took a look at the coupons to see if those would work for me, but I have a few concerns.

    If I have my premium package set at 60 days free trial (for all), with recurring payment every month with no limitation (see pic), then I wouldn’t be able to use a coupon offering a “one year free premium package”. I know I can set the coupon to ‘100%’ & ‘all payments’, but the problem lies in that it wouldn’t stop after one year.

    Other concerns I have with the coupons are:
    – they are not exclusive or don’t have a limitation on the #s of times it can be used. (Example: a customer posts the coupon on social media and suddenly lots of local business owners want the free listing…ack!).

    – I can’t select a particular price package within the CPT (not a huge issue for me).

    Hmmm… I’ll have to rethink how I’m going to tackle this One Year Free listing deal that I already promised to a few folks.

    Thanks guys!

    in reply to: GD Booster wonks out site when HTTPS is forced. #51027

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    I worked all evening trying to use the tool. I’m either doing something wrong, or there’s something in my theme that is preventing it from showing the way it did in the tool. I put it in an html editor and it looked OK there too. I’ll have to have to contact my theme support or try to locate someone around here today to see if they can help me.
    Pic 1 (view in tool)
    Pic 2 (view in my test page)

    If I can get it right, it does look a lot cleaner than the mess I had! 🙂

    in reply to: GD Booster wonks out site when HTTPS is forced. #50981

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Thank you! I value your advice, Paolo!
    I’m taking a look at the pricing table tool you recommended now.
    Yes, I would very much like to speed up my site. And now that I look at it again, my current pricing table is pretty tacky! Ha.

    Cheers, Kris

    in reply to: GD Booster wonks out site when HTTPS is forced. #50971

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Thank you so much, Stiofan! I really do appreciate your expert help on this…and your time!

    I’m just curious, does that Google font you’re talking about have anything to do with the “off” font that I’m seeing in my pricing table SIGN UP buttons? I noticed that when I started trying to force https, for some reason, the fonts on the lower SIGN UP buttons in the pricing table suddenly changed and are different than the rest of the font in the table.

    If not, no worries.

    Thank you again!
    Cheers, Kris

    in reply to: GD Booster wonks out site when HTTPS is forced. #50875

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Thank you sooooooo much, Paolo! I truly appreciate you taking the time to fix that for me! And wow, thanks for discovering the woocommerce issue. I wasn’t aware of the problem.

    Is the woocommerce issue affecting GD in a way that I shouldn’t launch yet? I don’t want potential customers to have any problems signing up. I was hoping to launch no later than Sept 1st.

    Thank you again!
    By the way, glad you got your internet back up and running. 🙂
    Cheers, Kris

    in reply to: GD Booster wonks out site when HTTPS is forced. #50120

    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Haha, Whoops, No worries, Paolo!
    I’m going to hold off on the launch then as I’m showing some errors with today’s back-up, and
    I Want to make sure all is well after the new GD updates are installed.

    Yesterday’s back-up was fine and I haven’t worked on the site since, so we’re still backed up. Should I wait to update GD after the code changes are made?

    Thank you again for everything!

    in reply to: GD Booster wonks out site when HTTPS is forced. #50099

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    in reply to: GD Booster wonks out site when HTTPS is forced. #49580

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