Daniele Biggiogero

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  • in reply to: Adding Stripe as a Payment Method #2639

    Daniele Biggiogero
    Expired Member
    Post count: 19

    Haha, ok I got it.

    I see that the addon needs a set of mandatory fields to be included in the list, in order to implement the method.

    These fields are:

    “name”: The name of the method
    “key”: The slug-name of the method
    “isactive”: a numeric value: 1 set the method available to the final user, 0 hide it
    “display_order”: the position that the method will be displayed
    “payment_mode”: set the method to live/test mode

    after that, you can add more fields that are necessary to the method you want to add, including them into the “payOpts” fields as a numeric array.

    To add them, it must follow this structure:

    Later I’ll illustrate the required fields necessary to Stripe.

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