David Savill

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  • in reply to: GD Header Right Widget #53010

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Thank you Guust,

    Thought I was having a blonde moment

    Have around 200 businesses on the Directory so far, about 7 – 8 adding themselves every week, really pleased


    in reply to: "Business Owner" #47116

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Thank you for pointing that out Guust, it was driving me crazy, its all working now I’ve changed, I didn’t realise i was on english UK

    And thank you for your time and help with this also Paolo

    in reply to: "Business Owner" #47050

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    These are the correct details,

    Sorry I think I might know where the problem is…. If you’re using FileZilla it won’t connect.

    I don’t know why it started this a while back, so I have an iMac now and have changed from FileZilla to CyberDuck and have had no connection issues since… I have no idea why FileZilla won’t allow me to ftp in anymore…

    I just tested the login details I gave you and they’re working fine for me (with capital ‘s’)

    in reply to: "Business Owner" #47018

    David Savill
    Post count: 113
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: "Business Owner" #47002

    David Savill
    Post count: 113
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: "Business Owner" #46996

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Ok thank you Guust,

    So I created a “geodirclaim” folder in “wp-content/languages/” and saved the edited .mo file in it… And nothings changed.

    So now it is saved at “wp-content/languages/geodirclaim/geodirclaim-en_US.mo” like the “addons” link says.

    Do you guys know if there is a difference between the free version and the “pro” version of the poedit software you recommend? because im using the free version and wondering if thats why nothings changed…?

    in reply to: "Business Owner" #46975

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Sorry i was following the video…

    I’ll follow the steps in writing instead

    in reply to: "Business Owner" #46968

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Hi Paolo,

    Yes following it word for word,

    But my wp-config.php file is different from his on screen, and my .mo & .po files are in different locations to what this link says: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/translating-addons

    So I’m not too sure what to do about that

    in reply to: "Business Owner" #46950

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    And I just tried replacing the .mo & .po files directly where I found them in:


    But nothing has changed…

    in reply to: "Business Owner" #46945

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Thank you for this,

    Ok so i followed the instructions but instead of finding the .mo & .po files where it said I would find them at:

    I found them here instead:

    Then I made the “geodirectory” folder in:

    and uploaded the new .mo file here as the video said to… so far so good.

    But then I opened the wp-config.php file, but the “define(‘WPLANG’, …” line to change isn’t in the wp-config.php file

    Not really sure what to do, a little stumped

    Any ideas?

    in reply to: Payment Types & locational search #39298

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Sorry i really don’t want to be “that annoying guy”

    I just have so much plans for the future of Cotswold Allure… And I am getting to my first 200 listed businesses on the directory, and they’re all telling me the same thing, I’m getting 200 users, and people searching, telling me they’re not happy…. because of the reasons I’ve listed above.

    i don’t want to get to my first 1000 listed businesses with 1000 people telling me the same.

    so please understand my frustration having so many people continuously telling me this, with nothing i can do about it… and surely this should be interesting feedback for you guys

    in reply to: Payment Types & locational search #39296

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    can you guys not just put an option in the back end for me to tick and have it unlocked completely throughout? this location thing is really annoying

    ok i see what you’re doing, and i see how it can be helpful for some users of GeoDirectory….. but…. it should be a secondary option for people to use if they want it

    GeoDirectory should be completely unlocked for:

    – Search: Giving the ability to just search everything in search not individual post-types one at a time.

    – Widgets: Giving the ability to have every post-type in one widget rather than lots of different widgets for different post-types.

    – Location: The ability to search everywhere rather than individual places.

    – Locationme: An option for people to turn On, not to turn Off.

    And then if users of GeoDirectory want to narrow everything down because they’re using GeoDirectory for more specialist subjects, these should be secondary options for them.

    Because this is how a basic directory works, to make it simple for the public using it, otherwise it will fail, which is really worrying me because I’ve invested in Geo Directory and the feedback im getting from my customers is that it is far too complicated…. and you guys should be taking my customers feedback seriously.

    in reply to: Payment Types & locational search #39294

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Really?! I need another menu for this for customers to have to find?!

    this is way way way way too complicated,

    the Cotswolds is an areas full of cities towns and villages.

    Anyone searching from outside of the Cotswolds, will just want to search the Cotswolds as a whole, they won’t have a clue which location to search within the Cotswolds, so i need people from outside of the Cotswolds to be able to search everything as default….

    There is the location bar next to the search, surely if that is blank, every location will be searched? why do i need another dropdown bar?

    Why do I need a setting for United Kingdom, when they’re already in the united Kingdom…. It’s just way to complicated, and doesn’t make sense to the general public using the site

    in reply to: Payment Types & locational search #39285

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    ok ill check out the database thank you, just trying to turn hours into minutes, time is so important.

    im not seeing where the dropdown location menu is sorry…?

    in reply to: Listing Title, Change, Edit #37357

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Thank you Paolo and Guust

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