David Savill

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  • in reply to: Listing Title, Change, Edit #37344

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Sorry Paolo,

    I’m just finding it frustrating that I mentioned this a while back, and now I’m getting complaints, when it’s something that seems obvious that when searching, people only want to click once to find what they want to find, not to click multiple times.

    And now I’m in the situation where my sites reputation is building now in my local area, so whatever people say about it now, will stick for quite a while, and when the feedback im getting is things like:

    “It’s really difficult to find what you want to find”
    “I added my business and now I can’t find it”

    This is naturally very worrying for me when it’s all mainly to do with people not using the dropdown menu to search within specific Post Types.

    They need the search bar to be able to just search everything.

    When Im getting feedback like this, it’s very difficult for me to sit back and wait and care about a ‘requests page’ because I’ve invested a lot in Cotswold Allure, and I need it to work now in its early days whilst people are initially interested in it, not in 6 months when it has the reputation of being difficult to use and has been slated by every other publication in the area.

    When it’s minor things (which initially look like minor things but I appreciate it’s a lot of time and coding for you) that need ‘tweaking’…. Like extra fields on registration, and the search being able to cover everything…. which can solve my issues, you have to appreciate the massive frustration here, waiting around, investing more in Cotswold Allure, working myself like crazy 6am – 3am every day visiting places, meeting people, writing articles and editing photos, and then still getting complaints off people not being able to find things in the directory because when they search they’re searching in the wrong Post Type.


    in reply to: buddypress, email notifications, new users, widget space #37341

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Hello Ishan, thank you

    Sorry I cannot see your email anywhere…

    in reply to: buddypress, email notifications, new users, widget space #37327

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    yes please,

    Unless you know of a plugin which will definitely add extra fields to the “sign up now” box?

    Thank you

    in reply to: buddypress, email notifications, new users, widget space #37321

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    just need them added to the “sign up now” box:

    Im trying the “Cimy User Extra Fields” plugin, but it doesn’t seem to be adding anything.

    The buddypress registration page looks rubbish compared to the GeoDirectory register page so I’m not interested in buddypress

    in reply to: buddypress, email notifications, new users, widget space #37319

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    How much would you charge to just add a couple of extra fields on my site on the Geo Directory registration form?

    – Business User checkbox.
    – Public User checkbox.
    – Current Location textbox.

    in reply to: buddypress, email notifications, new users, widget space #37287

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    I need a reply soon because my site is live and active with people registering as we speak… And the registration page looks rubbish at the moment, with no login option either…

    I must admit im not happy and really surprised with having to use buddypress, and have all of its features switched off, just to get extra information from people on registration… It’s a huge bulky unnecessary plugin… Being able to add Extra fields on the registration process is something GeoDirectory should have covered surely?!

    in reply to: buddypress, email notifications, new users, widget space #37286

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    also, on the register page now, before using buddypress registration to get extra information, geodirectory has a “login” or “register” option on the same page.

    now with buddypress there is only a “register” option and no login option on that page

    how can i get a “login” option on there for people who already have accounts?

    in reply to: buddypress, widgets, popular #37269

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    ok ignore that last post, I needed to clear browser cache… phew!

    in reply to: buddypress, widgets, popular #37267

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    ok something has gone wrong……..

    if i click on “Attractions” now… why is it taking me down this route….

    Home > Attractions > United Kingdom > Oxfordshire > Banbury

    Since I activated the “Popular Location” widget and deleted it everything seems to have messed up?

    in reply to: business and non business users #37249

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    ok thank you, i have no experience with buddy press so will give it a go 🙂

    in reply to: business and non business users #37244

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    I see you’re compatible with buddy press now,

    will this help define business/non-business users?

    in reply to: Gallery #36079

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    ok so found something called “Grid Gallery with Custom Links” that seems to work well with Geo Directory for this

    check it out, seems to be working ok?


    in reply to: Gallery #36072

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    well it kind of works, not completely ideal

    the titles of the images are all now aligned left, and there is no spacing between the images,

    i tried a plugin (at the bottom) which looks a lot better and is responsive and everything is centred… but can’t seem to find plugin to simply just show the images and title.


    in reply to: Social Media not showing #35869

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    *Ohhhhh Sorry

    in reply to: Social Media not showing #35868

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Shhhhhh sorry,

    thank you!

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