David Sirius

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  • in reply to: Rearranging details page #413054

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Guust

    I had now the chance to look at your advice.

    Apart from #1, #2, #8 for which my confirmation on the theme was outstanding (which is supreme directory) , please see below regarding the other items:

    3. remove the contact info and show custom fields (created in Place Settings)
    If you do not want the contact form on the detail page, set the Email custom field do inactive, or to not display anywhere in the custom field settings.
    To show custom fields, use the “Show in what locations” options for the custom field.

    3.1 I think we missunderstood. I was not referring to the contact info on the right side, but all the items below the headline name (see #2 on previous screenshot marked in red)

    3.2 With regards to the custom fields, I can show them on the details page, but they will appear in the sidebar, while they need to be under the place name where the contact info (3.1) is removed. How would one best move the info from right to top?

    4. remove the standard tabs and show only profile description and the reviews below. From here https://wpgeodirectory.com/remove-tabs/ I understand how to remove the tabs, but then everything is gone or alternatively with the additional code shown there its everything pasted there (dicing and slicing the code didnt work) while I just want the description and reviews as per the other live page
    That link is a bit obsolete. You can just go to GD > Design > Detail page > Show as list > Yes
    And remove any tabs there too: GD > Design > Detail page > Exclude selected tabs from detail page

    That worked, nice! The problem is now just that I have all the content (images, video, map) in the main content area, while it needs to be in right sidebar. What would be the best solution to move that content over?

    5. show picture thumnails on right top in sidebar
    Like this example?
    I’ll get Stiofan to give you that code.

    Yes exactly! Thank you!

    6. remove the social media icons
    GD > Design > Detail page > Disable Tweet, Fb Like, Google+ buttons section

    I ticket that and saved, but it didnt change anything?

    7. show the map on the right side below the pic thumnails
    Add a GD Listings Map widget to the detail page sidebar.

    The map is there now, but its actually a different map, while it needs to be the one shown in the screenshot (with directions), which is actually the one that I have now in the middle of the page (after removing the tabs), so it just would need to be moved to the side bar.

    9. replace standard footer with my footer. I actually already have my footer on the search page but for some reason on the details page I still have the standard GD footer.
    Depends on your theme situation. Maybe this is the answer: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/faqs/how-do-i-change-the-footer-text-in-supreme/

    I will have a look at that!

    Thanks a ton again! I hope we can figure this out!

    in reply to: Rearranging details page #413037

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163
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    in reply to: Calling shortcodes in new php file #413029

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163
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    in reply to: Limitations of custom fields in advanced search #413026

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163
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    in reply to: When will V2 be published? #413013

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Fantastic thanks for the update Stiofan. Perhaps I missed it but may be worth mentioning expected final release or is that a function of the beta phase?

    Will you implement any of the feature requests by users? I read though all of them recently and some were really good.

    Keen to hear more over coming weeks!

    FYI one typo in second paragraph

    in reply to: How to make GeoDirectory profitable #412968

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Thank you very much for sharing! I agree with most of your points but not on deleting listings that dont pay (it contradicts in maximising user value from my perspective), but I guess it also depends on type of directory you’re buliding. I’d only do that if you have lots of leverage (by visitor numbers) and it will actually hurt the company. When starting out I’d focus on maximising user value to get traffic up.

    I’d be very interested in connecting and exchanging views outside of here. If you’re interested, let me know!


    in reply to: When will V2 be published? #412923

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    That’s fantastic Guust. I very much look forward to reading the blog post and see what will be available soon. I may go with the beta if it will be considered as stable enough.

    Agree with ukvape, its by far the largest drawback at the moment as proficient HTML and CSS won’t suffice for material customisation – more than basic PHP skills are needed

    in reply to: Rearranging details page #412922

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Guust,

    Thanks for your help, really appreciate it!

    For the points that relate to theme dependency: I have the supreme directory theme – does that help to elaborate on some of the points?

    With regards to the URL dependecy: I have bought Webspace and secured my Domains but am still working on my localhost as uploading/trasnferring from localhost to online seems not as straightforward (would be actually great to have a tutorial on this, just as a well-intended idea). I’ll try to sort it out as I cant progress without resolving the points (1-9). I will send you my URL as soon as my site is online.

    Have a great day!


    in reply to: Multirating: order of each rating #412858

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    That’s helpful, thank you both!

    in reply to: When will V2 be published? #412851

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    I’m also eagerly waiting for your blog post to get a sneak peek 🙂

    When you say:

    One of the main goals is compatibility and ease of use, we are simplifying a lot of things and making them easier to understand.

    Do you mean easier in terms of customisation, which most people seem to struggle, or just generally handling and understand the plugin interface better?


    in reply to: Fixing layout of custom fields in advanced search #412129

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Ahh CSS is again the solution, should have dissected it myself. I presumed there would be a setting that I missed as it looked so far off. Will play around with the geodir classes and try to fix it.

    Thank you very much Guust, very helpful (as usual)!

    in reply to: Calling shortcodes in new php file #412124

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Kor,

    Really appreciate you chiming in and having liaised with a developer.

    Yes, I corrected that afterwards and ended up trying this code after seeking advice outside the forum:

    define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', false ); 
    require( './wp-load.php' );
    echo do_shortcode('[gd_advanced_search]'); 

    Unfortunately that didnt work either (and neither yours). I have also tested the file with a simple Hello World php code, which works, so it truly is somehow the shortcodes that cant be called.

    If you have no further solution idea (?), I’d suggest I’ll provide you login details when my site is online and we’ll pick it up then. For the moment I have a (cumbersome) work around, whereby I create the code in Atom, then copy paste it in Thrive Architect (a website builder and installed plugin in my wordpress) and save it as a page.

    in reply to: Limitations of custom fields in advanced search #412122

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Kiran,

    I believe I may have the same problem as Stephen https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/geodirectory-multi-select-field-cannot-handle-many-select-options/ i.e. many checkboxes.

    So perhaps I could just try to fix the database on my localhost as opposed to uploading the website (it’s more complicated than I thought it would be). However, I dont understand where he made the changes, also because his replies started to become private and its hard to follow the thread.

    I had a look in my database (myphpadmin) but cannot find any such details tab -see screenshot.

    Could you explain the required change in detail so I can try resolve it on my localhost?

    Many thanks

    in reply to: cogwheel gone #412110

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    That was it indeed Guust! I understood from the description on the page about Shortcodes that ‘always’ is needed to generally activate the adv search, but understand now it only refers to the adv search options. So I set it to default, cogwheel back, perfect.

    Quick fix. Thank you both!

    in reply to: Fixing layout of custom fields in advanced search #412026

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Kor,

    Thank you for looking into this. I’m currently running the site on my localhost, but I’ll try to upload it later today so you can have a look and send you the details.


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