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Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 199 total)
Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 199 total)
Ok thanks!
OK no worries.
Hi Giri,
I still have the issue where the social share link isn’t complete with the appending comment and I’ve also added code to the child theme but I can’t share my own reviews still.
Thanks Giri. I’ll test and get back to you
The post that gets shared on Facebook doesn’t include the “/#comment-48” which is supposed to point to the actual comment when the person opens the link.
or is the intent that you copy the link below the Facebook and twitter icons and include it as a comment in the post?
Works! Thanks!
Thanks Giri. Could you walk me through that process?
UPDATE: I’ve been able to resolve the buddyress issues. I simply went to the ’email’ tab in the back end and unpolished and republished all the email types and this has fixed the issues.
Only one remaining is the “wordpress” email for compliments.
Got it! thanks!
Hi Paolo,
Per the link below, it seems that it’s not a buddy press issue. I’ve gone and looked at previous tests I did on the private messaging, compliments and adding a friend feature and they worked previously with the emails originating from the correct email address.
Could it be possible that this is somehow
Linked to the integration with the theme?
Thanks Stiofan. You guys have always provided great feedback and timely solutions and I remain impressed. Keep up the good work!
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