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yeah it works now with the http://www.domain.com/wp-json/geodir/v1/places?gd_placecategory=96&orderby=overall_rating_desc&per_page=10
however my search calls are not sorting by overall rating using
The search results are not sorted properly or am I doing something wrong?
This reply has been marked as private.The search function is works now but the orderby endpoint no longer has the options that I referenced in the first post. It’s now “orderby”: {
“required”: false,
“default”: “date”,
“enum”: [
“description”: “Sort collection by object attribute.”,
“type”: “string”so I can’t get results by overall rating.
This reply has been marked as private.Thanks for the update, I’ll test out the call and let you know, however my search calls no longer work after the updating the plugin.
Great! Seems obvious now that you point it out.
Just ran into this same problem after updating the WP REST API plugin.
I’ve had the same error in the past. Following the usual process of selecting review stars and then posting a comment. I’ve tried several times to replicate this error but it seems to pop up every now and then. I asked her to write another review which is why there’s a duplicate. However her steps were the same for both reviews.
I’m not sure what else can be done but this isn’t really a new issue for me.
not sure how this is related but I’m working with the JSON file for my website and under the recent reviews I can see the rating count for the review even though it doesn’t show up on the back or front end. However the review part is completely missing in the JSON file. So essentially the opposite effect.
This reply has been marked as private.thanks for the feedback Kiran. If you look at the attachment under the “name” parameter the value is “Attractions (& amp;) Site Points”. Is there a way to get rid of the “(amp;)” and just have it return “Attractions & Site Points” in the JSON?
Great! I need to clarify the 1st point with the “Health & Wellness” the response is “Health &(amp:) Wellness”. The “amp:” isn’t in parenthesis in the JSON response but it won’t show up here if I don’t use them.
Great! It all works now. Final question :). Is there a way to go to “next page” since by default results are limited to 10? this is of course without changing that number from 10.
thanks for the update kiran. I have had issues trying to use the Geodirectory rest API and the WP rest API at the same time. I get the message “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error”. Am I supposed to use both API’s? I’ll check out the updates on Github.
I don’t seem to be able to find endpoints for users, categories or tags. Are those still being worked on or am I missing something?