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  • in reply to: Franchisee can create its own Franchise. #492311

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Thank you for the favourable feedback Kiran!



    in reply to: Franchisee can create its own Franchise. #492273

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Hello guys..

    Hello… Any word on this matter please? Thanks.


    in reply to: Franchisee can create its own Franchise. #489170

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Thank you so much.

    We will be looking out for the updates here.

    in reply to: Franchisee can create its own Franchise. #489145

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Hi Kiran,

    Owner of franchise listings are not allowed edit locked fields.

    We are aware of this. But we found that the owners of the franchise listing are able to, by themselves, initiate the creation of a franchise listing.

    Maybe this sample scenario will help.
    Admin creates Location A and sublocations a1, a2, a3, locks a few fields and a1, a2 and a3 get claimed by new (Sub) Admins. While the new (Sub)Admins of a1, a2 or a3 will be unable to edit/change the fields locked by Admin, we found that (Sub)Admins are able to create franchises themselves from within a1, a2, a3. And therein lies the issue…

    Hope that helped

    Standing by


    in reply to: Franchisee can create its own Franchise. #489064

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Here’s a cigar, Guust.

    Hi Alex. A ‘manager’ could be any person that manages administers a sub-account (franchise) created from a main listing. An ‘administrator’ could be that person that creates the main account.

    That said, can there/will there be anything done about it please?

    Standing by


    in reply to: Franchisee can create its own Franchise. #489008

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Thank you for the response, Alex

    We think there is too and it’s us being misunderstood. But we’ll try to explain.

    We agree that Franchise listings cannot have a different author than the parent listing but there exists a scenario where franchise listings can have a different MANAGER than the parent listing.

    Think Franchise/Franchisee.
    If a main listing (franchise) creates a child list (franchisee), in a situation where the franchisee account is managed by the franchisee owner, it will be awkward that he/she can himself/herself can have the option of adding a new franchisee from the franchisee profile.

    In other words, we are not talking so much about authors than we are the account managers (specifically franchisee)

    Hope that made some sense..


    in reply to: Franchisee can create its own Franchise. #488954

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Thank you Guys..

    Hi Kiran. It is the case for us but it’s not where the form takes us to that we are thinking of. It’s the fact that a franchisee can have the option to create another franchise as it were.

    Hey Guust. We are aware that the new franchise is not a sub of the franchisee but of the main listing and it bothers us because, well, if every franchisee is allowed to create a franchisee…

    Humble thoughts: That privilege and option (of creating a franchisee) should be reserved for the main listing alone… Or at least the option to allow franchisees to do (or not) that should be left to choice of the administrator. Kind of like it was in GDv1.

    What do you think?


    in reply to: New franchise title field autofill #473586

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Hi Guys.
    Thank you for the response.

    So we took a little time to investigate your suggestion. It di ‘work’ and found as follows:

    1. Issue: All that any other subscriber has to do is edit their title to ‘spoof’ another listing. (The ONLY way out seems to be to allow Admin Only edit for the title field which takes a major function away from a self service subscriber.)
    2. Franchises can now have franchises of their own. We can create a franchise from within a franchise listing.

    Other observations
    Once the category field is ‘locked’ the permalinks for any franchise listing attached goes “missing”. Comes back once the field is unlocked.

    Hope these will help with the reviews.



    in reply to: New franchise title field autofill #473305

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Hi again kiran.
    We realised that the core needed to be upgraded first among others and got the site up after sorting them out. But the issue still remains… What we noted is that for as long as creating a new franchise involves having to enter the title every time, there will always be a duplicate entry error. I guess that is because it tries to duplicate the slug as well since the titles are identical.

    The problem this poses for us if we unlock the field is that, we can then not stop franchise account managers from changing the title. And if it we remove duplicate check, multiple subscribers are able to repeat the title.

    Suggestions please


    in reply to: New franchise title field autofill #473289

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Thanks Kiran!
    So we downloaded and installed the new Ajax Duplicate Alert plugin and it came up with the error in the attached screen shot. Thinking a lot more than just that plugin has to be updated.

    Please advise


    in reply to: New franchise title field autofill #473253

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    The silence on this is deafening. Is this still under view please?

    in reply to: New franchise title field autofill #472194

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Hello guys.

    Still on the matter. How do we get the franchises created by a subscriber to share the same name and avoid another subscriber to use the same name for their listing?

    We tried to achieve this by locking the title field (so it cannot be changed by the franchisee) and we stopped duplicates for the same field (to avoid another subscriber using same title).

    This has left us in a loop that we did not experience in V1 since creating a franchise automatically transferred the title to the franchisee in that case. Here, it wants us to re-enter the title for each franchise which seems a little redundant..

    Any way of solving this please? Thank you



    in reply to: New franchise title field autofill #464649

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Hi Kiran

    Thanks for your response.

    We enabled the ‘duplicate alert’ because we wanted a duplicate alert for that field.. It is central to what we are doing that the title field is unique. We are not trying to prevent the message from showing up… Quite the opposite actually but only in the right conditions.

    Standing by for other suggestions


    in reply to: New franchise title field autofill #464240

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: New franchise title field autofill #464239

    Expired Member
    Post count: 78

    Hello again..:)
    Shortly after the last post, we tested adding a franchise from the front end (we had been doing it from the BE).. we found that it treats new the franchise as a new post. This creates a problem as we are not able to enter the same title for the franchise as it’s ‘already taken’ by the original post.

    Any help please? Thank you


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