Gautam Kukreja
Forum Replies Created
Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 103 total)
Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 103 total)
I’ve figured out the login problem.Please tell your developer to just change that log in link which appears after a user has confirmed his e-mail.That link redirects to wordpress login.It should direct to the GD login.Rest everything is fine. 🙂
And regarding the blank space one I am not still able to figure that.
Okay,Thanks 🙂
Don’t forget to tell me when it’s done!
Like the theme my login was causing problems.Can you suggest any other plugin in place of it?
Wanted to know one more thing how to rectify the blank space which causes bad User Experience and also difficulty in viewing listings.It doesn’t shows at first but when we scroll down till the end.And then when we try to scroll upwards it appears and stays on the screen.Please guide how to hide it.
Thanks Paolo you were right! It was the same plugin! 🙂
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